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R.I.T.Z March 3rd, 2011 15:30


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1421091)
not very funny at all

yet to figure ut how bb's got into HER bed

L473ncy March 3rd, 2011 16:24


Originally Posted by bareass (Post 1420524)
turns out some summer students were having drunking springer fights in the hallways. one night i heard them shooting, so i popped out with my M4 and started spraying!

I hope you were shooting under 350 and using .20's.... cause that was probably well below the MED's :D

You should know better though don't go full auto at 350 FPS and use heavier BB's cause 295 with .28's in CQB is just a dick move (even if it's in semi).

Weirdest place for me.... a .12 embedded in my mandarin oranges (left out on the kitchen table). My roommate got a springer and was shooting at a piece of cardboard (that was true though the cardboard did have a bunch of holes in it) and apparently the BB's "ricocheted" into my mandarins.... Yeah sure buddy (and again they were .12's). My roommates don't know I play and if I had a Hi-Capa Extreme with a NineBall barrel, hiflow valves, 50 round mag, and some .28's.....

Other than that, second weirdest was probably in my cooking oil at least there was only like a fifth of the jug left. Seriously..... now granted we did start putting random shit in there after like some crappy wine, milk, mouldy cheese and stuff but that was after I found the BB in my oil.

Specs March 8th, 2011 20:31

I just found one on wedged between between the tongue and the lace of my CF

Brayden March 8th, 2011 22:59

The other day I found a cheap black BB in between the desks at my English class.

Barbie March 9th, 2011 02:25

in my cat's poop.... Saw that the other day... lol

Taxt March 9th, 2011 19:04

Inside Westmarch's ear.

scubasteve March 9th, 2011 19:13

Under the hood of my skidoo, in my tackle box, gf purse. Those lil bastards get everywhere.

Cifyra March 9th, 2011 19:32

In the slide assembly of my old Glock. Jammed the fker up. Granted, it was a cheap knock-off.

HeadlessChicken March 9th, 2011 19:55

Half the time when I do my laundry, I'll find a few...once nearly got a fist full of Bastards. Normally I wouldn't find this weird but this was during my absence from the sport due to my injury so I hadn't pulled out my BBs and only did some maintenance on my guns without firing AND my clothes were separated.

phloudernow March 9th, 2011 20:18

inside my laptop lodged inside the usb port =.=

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