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Madrigal April 25th, 2013 12:02


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1788541)
How big are you?

30x32 waist. Yeah, the WSH may be a little large x.x Good point. And yeah, sorry :/ I guess I did answer my own questions. I just really don't want to eventually get invited to a team, and have to buy an entirely new kit.

Hectic April 25th, 2013 12:25

You wouldnt have to buy a new kit most likely. Maybe a bdu to go with the team but not a rig. And if your rig is modular it may (but prolly not) just need pouches to match the bdu.
Most teams are either MC cadpat or say russian or british or what have you.
I think my team is the odd one out tiger stripe bottoms black top lol. And i dont own either of those i wear woodland

I really suggest going to armyissue and tryin on gear even if you dont buy there at least youll have an idea of what fits and works for you. He has stuff simaler to the whs and even if i crank it down tight its still big on me (im 5ft7 with about a 30 inch waist)
Its too wide and too tall/long.
Small guys like me (and seems like you too) are prety much limited to chezt rigs and battle belts unless we get custom gear or customize existing gear (aka spend a metric buttload of money lol)

TurlteRaph April 25th, 2013 13:06


Originally Posted by Madrigal (Post 1788576)
I just really don't want to eventually get invited to a team, and have to buy an entirely new kit.

Don't think too much into the future as you have no power to control it and buy the kit that you want right now. For all we know, you may loose interest in airsoft after a few games.

Laurel April 25th, 2013 13:23

Just go with what fits best and then with what you like... then life will be much easier.

m102404 April 25th, 2013 15:30


Originally Posted by Laurel (Post 1788609)
Just go with what fits best and then with what you like... then life will be much easier.

LOL...that's how I ended up with so much gear!!! Flecktarn, Woodland, MC, DTS, CADPAT, PCU/Civi, etc...

Life is easier...but the stuff just takes up more space :)

J-Man19 April 25th, 2013 15:58

+1 to the RRV, I have one as my 'non cqb' rig. Light weight and comfortable. As for colour, stick with a solid colour (OD, RG, CB, but not BLACK) they will work with either tan or green camo as opposed to having a camo rig that only works with one camo pattern

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