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BloodSport December 18th, 2015 11:37


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1966703)
first time I come here in years and I see this thread...
I'm into motorcycles now.
I kept the gear though, just in case.
I don't feel like shooting bbs anymore...It feels stupid... :( what happened ?

its unexplained, but you need to see a doctor and have them scan for tumors...

Tankdude December 18th, 2015 11:47

Airsoft was causing more stress than fun.

I got into a Arma 3 group to fix the craving.

I then got a house and a kid.

Kwokwai December 18th, 2015 11:48

I'm still around too. Don't say much or get out too often now but did take my son to Ultimate Airsoft a few of times last year to introduce him to airsoft. Otherwise, it's the once/year with Force Recon to the US for a big event (wife permitting, of course).

jordan7831 December 18th, 2015 18:16

This is neat seeing how many of us are still around after all these years.

Armyissue December 19th, 2015 17:51

Old Guys yeah, most are still around just not playing. or posting. Some are now Bottle feeding, most got a job, a car, a piece of ass, and a pain in the neck. Its been soooo long now some are returning to the game. Try an Old Timers Name Game. Third World used to host games at Sgt Splatters, and what was the name of the guy who was a Mod here that was team lead on Phoenix Connection?

Hectic December 19th, 2015 19:32

This thread has me thinking, perhaps in the spring I should host an "old timers league" game at finch field.
Get some of you guys who have been away a while out without all the newer younger guys around so we can "kick it old school"
I know I haven't been around as long as most but I also know that a lot of you guys were the guys kicking around here and at the games I started at and I miss the "good old days" (as many have heard me complain) when everyone knew everyone and we could all shoot all day and drink all evening with no hard feeling because we'll there were no bad calls lol.

R.I.T.Z December 19th, 2015 19:46

but who will cover the knee surgeries and hip replacements that will follow?
who will push the wheelchairs through the woods?
What about the pacemakers? don't wanna break those

Malinak December 19th, 2015 19:48


Originally Posted by Hectic (Post 1966828)
when everyone knew everyone and we could all shoot all day and drink all evening with no hard feeling because we'll there were no bad calls lol.

We used to lay at Flag Raiders nearly every weekend with the same group of guys and had the time of our lives.
There was a time when we would go out and play all day and go back to the restaurant where I worked and had a few beers with dinner after the game and just unwind before having to drive home.

Add to that, TRU was even a guest at my wedding. I still have the wedding gift he gave me 15 years later...

But ya, at 43 years old, I am thinking of starting to play again. I am just waiting to find some parts for my MP5k to have a working gun.

Have to admit I had alot of fun with those guys and am hoping that I can find the comradeship again like the "old" days.

Kingsix December 20th, 2015 21:57

Still Kicking, just don't use AK's as much.

Conker December 20th, 2015 22:05


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1966703)
It feels stupid... :( what happened ?

People happened.

That or getting wiser, but I doubt it's the former :D

Brian McIlmoyle December 21st, 2015 10:51

When you started airsoft, it was the guns that drew you in, after a while and thousands of BBs later, it was the people that kept you in, as some of them drifted away there was little left to hold you.

You can find it again, but I find the "mature" players need more of a challenge, More immersion more of a deep and sharp break from their day to day reality.

For me, I found WWII reenacting, It feeds the need and eliminates the "techwars" that is a feature of today's airsoft scene. No cheaper that is certain, but far far more fulfilling, with the added feature of learning about History.

Stealth December 21st, 2015 12:17

I guess I'm still around. Started a store now. Play a heck lot less now due to other life obligations.

Guns got cheaper and are more abundant. Walk-in stores are in every major city centre across the country.
Parts got cheaper and better in quality.
Fields got a lot nicer. Lots of indoor and outdoor options.
Communities grew. Airsoft Canada used to be the only place to gather. Local forums and Facebook groups are everywhere now.

Gato December 21st, 2015 13:52

This is the ASC I miss.

A lot of the guys I know are getting away from it due to the "Facebook" Airsoft scene going on now.

Brian's pretty much nailed it.

For me, I miss the old scene. You did stupid, you got treated stupid. No baby gloving. The maturity level was higher.
It's also now just a game of "pay2win", so a lot of us just severely limit where and when we play.

I remember showing up to my first game in mid 06........ If you had a 203 and some Tri-Colour desert with a skateboard helmet, you were the cool guy (it was ASC's Black Hawk Down era)

Curo December 21st, 2015 17:37

We need you old guard guys. I love the nigh vision and all that but what I hate. is the Fakebook dude bro airsoft attitude. I started airsofting to escape it. but it's trying to follow me. the Cod kids and like attitude needs to be purged. I don't even do most open days or super busy events. I cant stand seige Saturdays.

I'm glad you guys are still around.

also picked up a K98k and mp40 recently still looking into WW2

R.I.T.Z December 21st, 2015 17:48

do people still play at flag raiders? that was some of the first airsoft games I had attended.

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