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Fly 9 May 1st, 2006 03:37

When I first moved to England, the room I got was already furnished and in one of the drawers I found a glow in the dark bb completely by accident in the middle of the night. I was pretty impressed by that.

Goldman May 1st, 2006 03:59


Originally Posted by Kedirkin
We found BB's in the flower planter at Buffet City during an airsoft dinner, as well as 6mm pock marks in the wooden planters that surrounded the tables - it was clear that the restaurant employees had been shooting in the place after hours.

. . . and that was a fun time actually. Hmmm, maybe we should organize another one. . .


Holy shit KD your alive? It's been a while

Oz May 1st, 2006 04:13

inside my UA shirt after a game.. keep in mind that I was wearing three layers. Skin tight UA (oh so sexy) and as I was taking it off, bbs bounced out... My best guess is that it had something to do with two team mates with a 249 and a sig playing fire and movement against lil' old unarmed me.

attack-beaver May 1st, 2006 04:54

once found BB's in my computer really have no idea how they got in there.
then once BB's in a freshly cleaned pair of socks.

Hades May 1st, 2006 05:57


Originally Posted by harleyb

Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Aha! More corroborating evidence that the digestive system passes BBs straight through.

It does. I took 3 down the throat (amazing I did not loose any teeth) and the next day I found a pleseant suprise while I was contiplating life on the porcelin throne.

rosie May 1st, 2006 06:48

Around a year ago, I ordered some repair/replacement parts for my Apple iBook...

The parts where shipped via DHL from California.

Upon arrival, when I inspected the boxes, 3 or so BBs where embedded in one of the boxes... Judging from the beebs, I say it was the cheaper KSC ones...

What the heck? Is DHL jacking airsoft and having games in thier warehouse?

Pollock May 1st, 2006 18:16

Passed one like a kidney stone.

JK. In all seriousness, probably the inside of my computer case, and the water-catch dealie at the bottom of my water cooler.

FOX_111 May 1st, 2006 18:23

Inside a bag of chips.

Laike May 1st, 2006 18:52

In my cap, put it on, and green crossman bb's rained down upon me. Had to go rescue them all before my friends cat figure he'd snack on it.

entity_paintball May 1st, 2006 19:20

if found a few in my swimming shorts once, i was in the hottub with my friends and something was bugging me in my back pocket. opened it up, and sure enough there where about 5 bb's in there. i was pretty confused.

yanhchan May 1st, 2006 19:56

On the bus. Some white 0.2g BBs were there. There must have been at least 20 of them. It was the Steels ave bus so I guess so idiots bought some BBs from 6mm or something.

CDN_Stalker May 1st, 2006 21:20


Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Just read off this to the wife, she said she's found BBs in our son's diaper also. News to me, sounds more like he used his diaper as a pocket (not eaten them) and store them there. She also said she found one in his belly button one day. Guess it's another pocket. First I heard of it, he just turned 3 years old! Lol

All over the inside of the car, haven't been in the car for airsoft related things in over a year.

No matter how many BBs you pull out of the washing machine, they continue to respawn there. Sucks when you have more than one type (and colour) of BBs in your ammo stash.

fantastix May 1st, 2006 22:41

In a banana I was eating. There was 3 or 4 of them that I caught. Forgot I had been firing at random stuff in the backyard.

I once found a complete unbroken paintball in my hair in the shower. I had been shot and it must have stuck in the long hair I had then.

Whozat May 1st, 2006 23:00


Originally Posted by Oz
inside my UA shirt after a game.. keep in mind that I was wearing three layers. Skin tight UA (oh so sexy) and as I was taking it off, bbs bounced out... My best guess is that it had something to do with two team mates with a 249 and a sig playing fire and movement against lil' old unarmed me.

Hmmmm, I wouldn't be that 249 weilding team mate, would I :rolleyes: ?

wolphsnyper May 1st, 2006 23:11

In my fake Christmas tree. Was fanning it apart after taking it out of the box and a bunch dropped out.

I nor my kids have not passed any in the toilet...But I did have a Kidney stone 3 years ago. After x-ray, DR. estimated it to be 4mm's with 2mm's difference possible either way. I remember holding a bb in my hand later that day and fearing the pain of passing something that size!

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