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Shirley March 16th, 2009 03:06


Originally Posted by 5.56 (Post 941035)
Here is my contribution to this thread. Wheews!!! I am glad I don't look like a FA MAS because no one here would even SPIT on it if it was on fire.

C-more! :)

Styrak March 16th, 2009 03:51


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 941069)
did you buy aquas psg-1?

Yup, that would be the one.

Rotting March 19th, 2009 15:08

Here's a better photo.

This is my entire kit. I don't have a sidearm or anything. :(

Here's a picture of it being put to sleep in it's bed. Was a $30 case on sale for 14.99. Couldn't pass it up :)

KNIVEZS March 19th, 2009 15:12 :D

Rotting May 28th, 2009 15:20

Thread revival, but at least for a reason.

New paint job on the reciever, silencer and inner barrel added, and spammed grip-tape on the stock for fun.

ujiro May 28th, 2009 15:22

Mmm, I love the grip tape on the stock. Really awesome look.
Overall looks great! Definitely under-appreciated.

wildcard June 7th, 2009 14:43

Here is mine HK51, KA FAL and KA GALIL

Relja June 7th, 2009 15:21


Originally Posted by shadow_matter (Post 937446)
I would love to see some more L85's. They are ugly guns; built for function, not style. =)

In my opinion beauty is in the eye of the beholder, if that gun saves your ass from getting killed (or in our case a load of bbs to the face/crotch) youll start loving her more than your "beautiful" armalite. Also to L85's built for function from what ive heard the British still complain about its unreliability.

Moderate June 7th, 2009 15:34

I'm trying to figure out if that water bottle makes the AK louder or quieter...

Styrak June 7th, 2009 15:40


Originally Posted by moderatesniper (Post 1003209)
I'm trying to figure out if that water bottle makes the AK louder or quieter...


Rotting June 16th, 2009 18:45

Last kit photo until about December. Can't afford to do internal upgrades til about December due to lack of employment :(
Photo by IceTray of WhiteNoise.

Load-Out & Weapont: Woodland Camoflague Set-Up & SiG552-SD
Woodland BDU; Top and Pants
Delta Elite Team Woodland Molle Vest
Woodland Boonie Hat
FlakJak Goggles
Drop-Leg Molle Panel x2
Double M4 Mag Molle Pouch x4
Radio Molle Pouch
Additional Molle Storage Pouch
MAG SiG Series 100rd Magazines x8
JG SiG Series High Capacity Magazine x1
Mad Bull 455mm 6.03mm Inner Barrel
Element 5.56mm Silencer
Modify Type-0 Cylinder

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