Airsoft Canada

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GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:21

Lol and you're a big bad 43 year old who likes to go out and play guns with his friends....but away from the playing, you spend your time picking on kids who are trying to play a game...the very game you play at 43 years of age...I'm sorry but you seem to be far more immature and intolerant than these new comers are...This is not YOUR game, anyone and everyone is allowed to play it, so you have no right to deny the pursuits of others.

Danke July 7th, 2008 22:21


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761390)
Sorry for just graduating High School. I love how it is so easy to incriminate someone you haven't even met in real life just because you comfortably sit in front of a computer screen. You're calling me a little kid because I live at home the summer after I graduate? You're just as immature as the minors that you bully and harass on here.

It was my mom's choice to go into my room and clean up...I didn't go "hey mommy my room is messy please clean up after me :(!" If you are going to use that as ammo, you are weak minded my friend...

Was the rifle not in a locked case or at least racked? No it was leaning against a wall. That's not how it's done buttercup so suck it up.

Bowers July 7th, 2008 22:23

how hard is the idea of "dont like how we do things go the fuck elsewhere"?

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:24

Sorry, but in the US, I have the right to bear arms :D I can lay any gun where ever the hell I please :) It's not my fault you don't enjoy the same rights I once again, your argument means nothing. According to your colleagues, airsoft guns are not firearm replicas, so why should the be locked up am I right? I mean if it's just a toy.....c'mon get serious old-timer.

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:25


Originally Posted by TCSF-Bowers (Post 761403)
how hard is the idea of "dont like how we do things go the fuck elsewhere"?

I raised a curious question and got flamed for it, so I'm merely defending my position. It also seems to me that my position is shared by others here who have the same feelings....if You don't like debate, then ignore the topic.

Nik12 July 7th, 2008 22:29


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761142)
This is just such a bizarre atmosphere for in America, we welcome the idea of minors getting into the sport

Americans also welcome the idea of "hunting" with an automatic assault rifle.


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761142)
but what is with all this uptight shit with you Canadians?

I suppose you wouldn't be uptight if your expensive and enjoyable pass time were tangling on a wire above a pool of illegal and prohibited?


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761142)
Aren't you supposed to be the "peaceful love everyone" people!? rofl!

Common misconception. See JTF2 for example.

Also you might be confusing us with France. They have 30% more sex than us Canadians do and Canadians have 20% more sex than Americans do (see the Canada vs. USA article in the most recent Maclean's magazine, it's a pretty convincing article). That confusion could be due do our strong French culture though. See Quebec for example.


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761142)
If you don't want to play with kids, then join the REAL military and help Americans kill towel heads...

...Actually, I'm not even going to bother with this...

All that being said some people on this board are just sour from time to time. Every board has its nasty nancys, but this board's nasty nancys get more and more nasty as they suffer through skirmish withdrawl. Some of them need almost 7 skirmishes a week to reduce the occurance of their rapid mood swings.

Shrapnel[Op-For] July 7th, 2008 22:34

again... i look at gundams signature, fail.

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:35

What is wrong with hunting with an automatic...Just because you can;t do it in Canada makes it wrong? We hunt bad guys with automatics so why not next week's supper? Just because we have the RIGHT and you have the privilege doesn't mean you have to be all wicked and nasty when a question is about organizing an interest group, raising funds, and getting someone elected to your cause? Your country is terribly liberal, and that's it's downfall, but hey, I don't want to get political, so I'll quit here.

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:35


Originally Posted by NDAS (Post 761422)
again... i look at gundams signature, fail.

Is this your only argument...honestly grow a pair of balls...I didn't want to get rude but now I will...seriously dude fuck off you make no sense.

CupidStunt July 7th, 2008 22:38

I think you should go outside and grab a pine branch and litely paint over the branch above the solid green parts to make it kind of fade out, not just goung green, and then straight to black.

That a good Idea??

Muffin July 7th, 2008 22:39

Gundam, you can't honestly know what airsoft is like in our country. Airsoft guns are next to impossible to get out here, I'm not going to go into all the little details, as I'm sure that it would only be disregarded. But the simple reason that we have age verification in Canada is so that us responsible adults can be trusted with items that can easily be mistaken as real firearms, which is why we are far more cautious with them. If some kid were to run through the streets with a rifle, cops would be around with weapons drawn in no time. All it would take is one serious incident to ruin it for us out here.
I don't expect you to be understanding about the subject as you have already proven yourself to be a tough guy, but we don't take this sport for granted, and that is why we do our best to protect it.

Nik12 July 7th, 2008 22:46


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761423)
What is wrong with hunting with an automatic...Just because you can;t do it in Canada makes it wrong? We hunt bad guys with automatics so why not next week's supper?

The only challenge there is to hunting with an automatic is digging all the lead out of the Deer/Moose before you can clean it. There's nothing wrong with it, and I'm sure it's great fun. Except it's stupid. Hunting is a challenge, man vs nature, etc, etc, blah blah. If you want to put 30 rounds through a target in less than 10 seconds go to a range.

Hunting bad guys and hunting wildlife are not something to be compared. Bad guys fight back, probably with their very own automatic assault rifles. Game just runs away (unless you cross a mad bull, then you might be the one running).

One well placed shot is much more effective than 30 to the centre of mass (ie, the meaty part).


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761423)
Your country is terribly liberal, and that's it's downfall, but hey, I don't want to get political, so I'll quit here.

I think you really should read that Maclean's article (I usually don't recommend Canada vs USA articles, especially out of Macleans, but this one is all statistically based and should be unbaised). You'll gain an appreciation for our Liberal country.

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:47


Originally Posted by Muffin (Post 761434)
Gundam, you can't honestly know what airsoft is like in our country. Airsoft guns are next to impossible to get out here, I'm not going to go into all the little details, as I'm sure that it would only be disregarded. But the simple reason that we have age verification in Canada is so that us responsible adults can be trusted with items that can easily be mistaken as real firearms, which is why we are far more cautious with them. If some kid were to run through the streets with a rifle, cops would be around with weapons drawn in no time. All it would take is one serious incident to ruin it for us out here.
I don't expect you to be understanding about the subject as you have already proven yourself to be a tough guy, but we don't take this sport for granted, and that is why we do our best to protect it.

See! Thank you very much, this is EXACTLY what I wanted to hear. An Honest polite rebuttal to my question, and now I am done arguing because the point is understood. Thank you very much for remaining calm and answering it sincerely. I honestly meant no offense to anyone, but I was simply defending myself. Once again, that was a perfect response, and I do believe you should teach the others your form. ;)

Shrapnel[Op-For] July 7th, 2008 22:47


Originally Posted by GundamGPO3 (Post 761424)
Is this your only argument...honestly grow a pair of balls...I didn't want to get rude but now I will...seriously dude fuck off you make no sense.

You don't get it? Here let me be blatant so you get it. You signature is stupid, makes you look like a 12 year old. Get it now? no? don't like Canada, or its laws, politics, then leave. Nobody needs a loud mouth who thinks 10 year olds should play airsoft. You don't seem to like this forum, so go find a new one.

GundamGPO3 July 7th, 2008 22:49


Originally Posted by Nik12 (Post 761450)
I think you really should read that Maclean's article (I usually don't recommend Canada vs USA articles, especially out of Macleans, but this one is all statistically based and should be unbaised). You'll gain an appreciation for our Liberal country.

I'm sorry, but I am extremely against liberalism in my own country, and I respect your kindness, however, your ideals are not for me thanks.

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