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Greykin April 30th, 2006 22:24

Weirdest places you've found BBs.
I bet most people here have had BBs showing up in weird places in their house. Sometimes places you'd never expect.

I was at school one time and I opened up my binder for class and about 5BBs fell out, I have no idea how they got there =/. Other than that, they've somehow found their way into my school bags and stuff somehow.

Anywho, what about you?

Dr_Tinshnipz April 30th, 2006 22:25

School , and church haha

^Hyperion^ April 30th, 2006 22:26

hmmm good question.

I found BBs in different kind of boxes , binders but mostly hats and baseball caps....and that , even if I never fired BBs inside my house....strange

Zero April 30th, 2006 22:32

My wife found one in our microwave once - that didnt go over so well.

quikstrike April 30th, 2006 22:35

getting changed one night and a bunch of bb's fell out of my pants.


TFZ-OZ April 30th, 2006 23:02

My boss's office - must have been stuck in my tred... but during a meeting I saw it on the

[Avtomat] April 30th, 2006 23:11

the worst i got was in my socks.

Greykin April 30th, 2006 23:19


Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
the worst i got was in my socks.

Man, that has happened to me so many times. I've found myself taking off my shoes during school time and taking off my socks to get out annoying BBs.

Deftonius April 30th, 2006 23:30

I went to change the lense in my JT goggles from clear to tinted for work, when I worked at a pball field, and a BB fell out as soon as I took the lense out.

I know just how the BB got in there, too. Halo at a foxden game. His mad M16 and his careful aim. haha.

Kedirkin April 30th, 2006 23:37

We found BB's in the flower planter at Buffet City during an airsoft dinner, as well as 6mm pock marks in the wooden planters that surrounded the tables - it was clear that the restaurant employees had been shooting in the place after hours.

. . . and that was a fun time actually. Hmmm, maybe we should organize another one. . .


Dro April 30th, 2006 23:55

I found some in the sole of my shoe. I always wondered why my shoes rattled everytime i walked. When I first saw it I thought they were fish eggs or maggots ... lol

firemachine69 May 1st, 2006 00:07

In my old apartment, girlfriend picked up her bra and a bunch rolled out from the cup... Told her she had bb's for boobs, only remember pretty painful smack afterwards...

swatt13 May 1st, 2006 00:16

in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Mantelope May 1st, 2006 00:18


Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Aha! More corroborating evidence that the digestive system passes BBs straight through.

dman May 1st, 2006 00:20

Weirdest would be in the middle of one of my textbooks. Opened up my book, it fell out, and watched it bounce all the way down the stairs in the lecture theatre. Most often would be in my cars. And this is after vacuuming them out after each game. Otherwise, the most unsettling is finding a bunch at work (Sears) and knowing it wasn't from me (they were orange).

stokes May 1st, 2006 00:23

Haha they must have pretty fierce skirmishes at department stores, and buffet resturants after hours... wonder if they are open to the public? :razz:

Cushak May 1st, 2006 00:24

I found some at work too, at a hotel, in the stairwell. The little green ones. Cheap crap.

Rumpel Felt May 1st, 2006 00:25

Shoes, every room of the house, every piece of clothing, driveway, street, bag, books, shower, toilet, sink, food, vehicles etc. If it's there, I've spilled BB's in it.

damage May 1st, 2006 00:40

Old lady downstairs is complaining that there is weird white balls in her potted plant and mistaken it for a mushroom buds. We live in the third floor. I wonder how did my BB's got there. Maybe when I clean my rigs after a game I dont notice there are loose BB's in the pouches.

In a box of cereal. Oneday I was eating my bowl of cereal and I chewed something really hard and I spitted it out and whalla! a BB. Examined the box and there was a entry hole. Must be when I was decompressing the spring on my Aeg and I didnt know it was loaded and BB ricocheted from the wall and to the box.

F34N0R May 1st, 2006 00:55

in my hair after sleep. I played a game then felt asleep on couch. Woke up in the middle of night. found a bb in my hair after scratching it.

Amgoosen May 1st, 2006 00:56

found my cat chewing on one just a few minutes ago.

vondnik May 1st, 2006 01:07

betwine the two plates of glass in a termal window.....I guess it's not so termal anymore....

I've also found them while cleaning the dog's toilet area....

swatt13 May 1st, 2006 01:09


Originally Posted by *ATF*Feanor
in my hair after sleep. I played a game then felt asleep on couch. Woke up in the middle of night. found a bb in my hair after scratching it.

one of my team mates had a similar incident, he said he was taking a shower at the end of the day after skirnishing that mourn and as he scrubed his mop, bbs fell out, apperantly he was pretty amazed at how many were in there and had stayed in there all day.

CalvinTat May 1st, 2006 01:10


Originally Posted by stokes
Haha they must have pretty fierce skirmishes at department stores, and buffet resturants after hours... wonder if they are open to the public? :razz:

I would hide in the glassware department :D

I think almost everyone here at ASC has found BBs in weird places (even more if you chairsoft). I found a few bbs in the shower, toilet. Basically anywhere that you can think of, you will eventually find one there.

Hortons Heros May 1st, 2006 01:18

I work at/run a kids camp and some of the staff play on weekends. Well we have a bush camp with no running water or electricity and it just started last summer. In the last week of it running I went to visit, there are no roads and a 45 min hike to get there around a lake. They are the only thing on that lake, this place is in the middle of nowhere! Of course after being there for only a few mins I see a white BB at the doorstep of one of the cabins. I guess one of the leaders who came to play hiked it out to the camp site and it dropped out of his pocket. The staff said it would disapear and then resurface in the dirt from day to day. Gave them some form of entertianment.

Darklen May 1st, 2006 01:44

Deep inside my sons ear. Little bugger found one on the floor and for whatever reason, shoved it deep inside his ear. Fortunatly, I had a pair of specimen tweezers (hooked ends) and I was able to very carefully grab onto it and extract it. Not harm done, other than my 6 year old is a dumbass.

bobthemonky May 1st, 2006 02:22

the disk tray for evert video game system except my gc.
by the whay i got a xbox, gaming pc, ps2 and a psp.

Black_Orchid May 1st, 2006 02:38


Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper.

Replace daughter with cat and diaper with litterbox and I hear ya. I also found a bb in my guitar a while back...

JohnnyDo May 1st, 2006 02:42

I took my guns to work (warehouse/machine shop) to let my boss's try em out. I also take them there to shoot targets etc... well we find BB's pretty much everywhere,

- coolent for CNC machine
- in, on, and around CNC machines
- in the foam insulation covering the back bay door (too many to count)
- on thr floor of the board room (not cool)
- pretty much anywhere you look you'll find a few even though I go out of my way to pick them all up there still has to be a good 1000 rounds spread out over 10,000 + sqft hehe .. it's actually kinda funny. if we ever move out of that place they'll be finding the darn things for years to come and wonder where they came from.

Janus May 1st, 2006 02:49

As embarassing as it is, in the toilet. One bounced off my chest, off the inside of my mask and down my throat.

I pooped it up the next day. YOU'RE WELCOME.

(And just for the record, I don't go through my defecating produce. It just happened to catch my eye as I stood up.)

Fly 9 May 1st, 2006 03:37

When I first moved to England, the room I got was already furnished and in one of the drawers I found a glow in the dark bb completely by accident in the middle of the night. I was pretty impressed by that.

Goldman May 1st, 2006 03:59


Originally Posted by Kedirkin
We found BB's in the flower planter at Buffet City during an airsoft dinner, as well as 6mm pock marks in the wooden planters that surrounded the tables - it was clear that the restaurant employees had been shooting in the place after hours.

. . . and that was a fun time actually. Hmmm, maybe we should organize another one. . .


Holy shit KD your alive? It's been a while

Oz May 1st, 2006 04:13

inside my UA shirt after a game.. keep in mind that I was wearing three layers. Skin tight UA (oh so sexy) and as I was taking it off, bbs bounced out... My best guess is that it had something to do with two team mates with a 249 and a sig playing fire and movement against lil' old unarmed me.

attack-beaver May 1st, 2006 04:54

once found BB's in my computer really have no idea how they got in there.
then once BB's in a freshly cleaned pair of socks.

Hades May 1st, 2006 05:57


Originally Posted by harleyb

Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Aha! More corroborating evidence that the digestive system passes BBs straight through.

It does. I took 3 down the throat (amazing I did not loose any teeth) and the next day I found a pleseant suprise while I was contiplating life on the porcelin throne.

rosie May 1st, 2006 06:48

Around a year ago, I ordered some repair/replacement parts for my Apple iBook...

The parts where shipped via DHL from California.

Upon arrival, when I inspected the boxes, 3 or so BBs where embedded in one of the boxes... Judging from the beebs, I say it was the cheaper KSC ones...

What the heck? Is DHL jacking airsoft and having games in thier warehouse?

Pollock May 1st, 2006 18:16

Passed one like a kidney stone.

JK. In all seriousness, probably the inside of my computer case, and the water-catch dealie at the bottom of my water cooler.

FOX_111 May 1st, 2006 18:23

Inside a bag of chips.

Laike May 1st, 2006 18:52

In my cap, put it on, and green crossman bb's rained down upon me. Had to go rescue them all before my friends cat figure he'd snack on it.

entity_paintball May 1st, 2006 19:20

if found a few in my swimming shorts once, i was in the hottub with my friends and something was bugging me in my back pocket. opened it up, and sure enough there where about 5 bb's in there. i was pretty confused.

yanhchan May 1st, 2006 19:56

On the bus. Some white 0.2g BBs were there. There must have been at least 20 of them. It was the Steels ave bus so I guess so idiots bought some BBs from 6mm or something.

CDN_Stalker May 1st, 2006 21:20


Originally Posted by swatt13
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

Just read off this to the wife, she said she's found BBs in our son's diaper also. News to me, sounds more like he used his diaper as a pocket (not eaten them) and store them there. She also said she found one in his belly button one day. Guess it's another pocket. First I heard of it, he just turned 3 years old! Lol

All over the inside of the car, haven't been in the car for airsoft related things in over a year.

No matter how many BBs you pull out of the washing machine, they continue to respawn there. Sucks when you have more than one type (and colour) of BBs in your ammo stash.

fantastix May 1st, 2006 22:41

In a banana I was eating. There was 3 or 4 of them that I caught. Forgot I had been firing at random stuff in the backyard.

I once found a complete unbroken paintball in my hair in the shower. I had been shot and it must have stuck in the long hair I had then.

Whozat May 1st, 2006 23:00


Originally Posted by Oz
inside my UA shirt after a game.. keep in mind that I was wearing three layers. Skin tight UA (oh so sexy) and as I was taking it off, bbs bounced out... My best guess is that it had something to do with two team mates with a 249 and a sig playing fire and movement against lil' old unarmed me.

Hmmmm, I wouldn't be that 249 weilding team mate, would I :rolleyes: ?

wolphsnyper May 1st, 2006 23:11

In my fake Christmas tree. Was fanning it apart after taking it out of the box and a bunch dropped out.

I nor my kids have not passed any in the toilet...But I did have a Kidney stone 3 years ago. After x-ray, DR. estimated it to be 4mm's with 2mm's difference possible either way. I remember holding a bb in my hand later that day and fearing the pain of passing something that size!

SuperCkicken May 1st, 2006 23:27

i found like 10 inside of my hockey skate when it tryed putting it on.... i will never know how those got in there :???: :smack:

Bender May 1st, 2006 23:40

I found about ten bbs in the dryer. Luckily I had removed them before my mother noticed, or she would have destroyed my aeg, and probably me as well in the process.

Korneil May 2nd, 2006 19:01

At my girlfriends house... 500 km away from where I curently live.... must have been hidden in a box when I moved some of my stuff. Go figure.

tsuru May 2nd, 2006 19:40

I've found BB's in a bag of chips after I was done cleaning some of my guns but they were a different colour than the ones I had been using that day. By far the weirdest was my buddy who found one in his nostril after playing an indoor game. He was wearing a full face mask the entire time and the BB falling out when he sneezed was a complete surprise.

BC_K May 2nd, 2006 19:56

Oddly enough I've found bb's lodged inside the depths of my computer case, How they got there, the bb god only knows.

Mexican May 2nd, 2006 21:52

I was on a plane once, and during takeoff I saw a white bb rolling down the isle next to my seat. I have no idea how it got there and it definately wasn't me because it was on my way home from, and I hadn't been playing airsoft for a really long time...

swatt13 May 2nd, 2006 23:43


Originally Posted by JohnnyDo
I took my guns to work (warehouse/machine shop) to let my boss's try em out. I also take them there to shoot targets etc... well we find BB's pretty much everywhere,

- coolent for CNC machine
- in, on, and around CNC machines
- in the foam insulation covering the back bay door (too many to count)
- on thr floor of the board room (not cool)
- pretty much anywhere you look you'll find a few even though I go out of my way to pick them all up there still has to be a good 1000 rounds spread out over 10,000 + sqft hehe .. it's actually kinda funny. if we ever move out of that place they'll be finding the darn things for years to come and wonder where they came from.

i have the same problem at work, since i started there 10 months ago, ive recruited about 4 guys. the boss freekin love airsoft guns, i just got him a thompson... it was like a kid at christmas. but ya, we play at the shop on slow days. theyre going to be finding bbs till the end of time. you cant look anywhere without seeing white, yellow and green bbs in the corners, plants, coffee room, offices, ect. its sweet. at the very least ive left a lasting impression. long after im gone, some new guy will ask what the hell these little plastic balls are, and my name will be mentioned.... i fell like a god.

Stukadivebomber May 2nd, 2006 23:53

Korea is a place where you can find bbs all over the streets. I remeber when I was about 4 and i was living in korea. These kids with a bb gun would be running around saying quick look between the boards on the benches to get some!!

deltadoes May 3rd, 2006 00:01

emptyed a few Mags into some pillows on my bed then went out drinking before i cleaned them up, later that night came home trashed! pasted out and woke up surrounded with a few 100 LOL!

conrad May 3rd, 2006 10:12

in my computer when I was using duster to dust off the fan I noticed a bb inside.

infrared May 3rd, 2006 10:14

Haha, inside my computer.

Grim Fandango May 3rd, 2006 10:25


Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Korea is a place where you can find bbs all over the streets. I remeber when I was about 4 and i was living in korea. These kids with a bb gun would be running around saying quick look between the boards on the benches to get some!!

My friend from Korea showed me a few pics from when he visited there a few years back. In convenient stores they had these big barrels filled with bulk candy and peanuts and such, and in one barrel they had BBs. Apparently it was like a buck or two for a big bag of them. Plus yeah, they had kids playing with springers and such everywhere.

As for finding BBs i've found them everywhere. In the dryer, backpack, school binder and such. Oddest thing I ever found was an gearbox spring in my bed sitting next to my pillow... how the fuck it got out of my parts box and onto my bed i'll never know.

Armyissue May 3rd, 2006 11:16

My buddy found his hammer in the dryer once. He didn't put it there, Theres a simple explaination but good luck guessing.
BB's in the store outr front and now the birds are scattering them everywhere. So if you get some pants an a BB falls out .. hey it wasn't you this time.

bigbiscuit May 3rd, 2006 12:05

found some bbs in my dog's food.

NuttyHunter May 3rd, 2006 12:49

Found bb's at my parent's house (all airsoft stuff is at my bf's) and would find some in my purse occaisonally. But at my bf's you can't do ANYTHING without finding bb's. We should open up his computer cuz there's bound to be some in there. Every now and then I'll be laying on a few and have to remove them from the bed. The cats don't seem to have developed a taste for them... yet.


War-Lock May 3rd, 2006 18:57

Was not to suprise when i found it but in the back of my amp.


[Lithium] May 3rd, 2006 20:33

Back when i was a kid, my brother, sister and me would have springer wars in our basement, because although it was finished and furnished, no one ever went down there.. it was a small suite for guests because we got lucky with the buy of the house.. and some fu rniture was left behind. anyways, before we moved they were found all over. in the vcr, computers... cd cases.. almost anywhere you could think of..

_M_P_ May 3rd, 2006 22:46

In the butter at maxi &cie, Montreal, damn, someone use my gun during the night :D

somedude May 3rd, 2006 23:12

i found one in my cd drive

and,in the microwave and stuck inside the grip of one of my old crosman shotgun

nutboi May 4th, 2006 00:23

my bathtub was draining very slowly the other day when i was in the shower. i figured that it was a hairball in the drain since i havn't cleaned it in awhile. when i pulled the hairball out (eww), 1 bb was caught in it and a broken bb fell outta the hairball.

Scyxor May 4th, 2006 07:07

I found one at school opn the ground, that was actually from a friend that put it in his jacket pocket from a game last week.

Hawkzor May 4th, 2006 17:06

Not exatily a weird place, but one day my hamster got loose from her cage while I was away and made my bedroom her new home. She completly cleaned my room, gathering all the fluff and dust into one corner making it into a bed. She also gatherd up all the BBs that were loose on the floor and put them all behind my bed. Since then I havent picked up a single BB in my room.

Amazing KG3 May 9th, 2006 14:41

my girlfriend found some in her "special" toy chest. Even i dont know how that got there.

quikstrike May 9th, 2006 15:26

HAhaha just found one now...

Alright well I had a good 4.1 surround by creative, then out of no where my front right speaker started vibrating lots, and it sounded as if the tweeter fell off and was rattling inside...

So I was like whatevs I need a new system anyways so I went all out and bought the z530 e's by logitech a while back, i think thats th emodel, meh but the sub is hugenormous.


I am selling these speakers for 50 bucks cause I thought the tweeter fell off and a glue job wouldnt hold too too long...

So I take it apart today to fix the speaker, and low and behold, there was a BB inside my one speaker. That's what was rattling around the whole time.


I just started laughing hystarically. And jumped onto this thread to post it :P

Lex May 9th, 2006 15:41

During a climb. Reached into my chalk bag and felt what I thought was a pebble that had fallen in. It felt too smooth to be a rock so I left it in there.

After I was done I emptied my chalk and there was the bb.

FlyCanadianGuy May 9th, 2006 16:58

Found a few in my aquarium.

tsuru May 9th, 2006 17:09


Originally Posted by Stukadivebomber
Korea is a place where you can find bbs all over the streets. I remeber when I was about 4 and i was living in korea. These kids with a bb gun would be running around saying quick look between the boards on the benches to get some!!

That reminds me of a time when I was walking through Shinjuku, Tokyo. I was seeing little white things dotting the ground all over the place. It just didn't click what they were until I got back to my hotel room. I started watching the local news and a story came up about drive-by airsoftings in the same area. One smack of the head later all I could think was "That's what those were"

hummermaniac88 May 10th, 2006 17:39

I found one in the sealed subwoofer box in my car, I heard some ratelling so I opened it to take a look and there it was, must of fallen in when I made it.

Hortons Heros May 12th, 2006 04:00

walking around downtown not even 6 hours after telling my wife about this thread and she just about stepped on one. She couldn't believe it.

Bob the Angry Potato May 12th, 2006 15:34

Backyard of a Bible Camp, where myself and a few other people were camping nearby. We went to the back (it was not being used at the time) to see what was there, and I found a neon green Crosman BB lying there.

conrad May 12th, 2006 18:32


Originally Posted by Bob the Angry Potato
Backyard of a Bible Camp, where myself and a few other people were camping nearby. We went to the back (it was not being used at the time) to see what was there, and I found a neon green Crosman BB lying there.

Airsoft is the devil !!! :rrr:

Littleshakyhands November 2nd, 2006 13:24

After a game i spat one out of the bottom of my tongue.

Millions Knives November 2nd, 2006 13:39

In my nose.

I'm sure I've told this story before... at my first game, the January noobie camp at FR; it must have been three years ago, I slipped on some ice beneath the snow immediately upon deciding to advance to the next piece of cover. I saw the BBs coming at me from about 80 feet away, as I was falling backwards. One hit my chest, another my chin, and I swore I felt something go up my nose (it was cold so I was numb).

I walked back to the safe area and sneezed it out onto the table.

Shrike November 2nd, 2006 13:48

I've spit one out after hitting my lip and going in my mouth.

Cabal's kid crapped one out. (other diapers in this thread too)

I found one in my hockey bag in the changeroom, made me think about a pistol duel on skates. Now that would be interesting.

bloodkoala November 2nd, 2006 14:09

i found about 6 in my toilet.... i have no idea either, i dont eat bbs (on purpose) so im not sure if someone got angry at their corn... go figure

Lakonian November 2nd, 2006 17:00

A. In my beer (when I was having a halloween get together)
B. In a bag of chips at my buddy's place
C. Right behind the valve assembly on my usp ... which is strange cause the bb is bigger than the actual space...:S

shadow1911 November 2nd, 2006 18:11

1 inside a power bar
another 3 inside a fan in my room
15 in the pc case

Whats even more funny is I dont yet own an airsoft gun I am still paying for it.

Vivisector November 2nd, 2006 19:00

My parents' front porch a couple years ago. Wasn't mine.

Took a nice chip out of their window too.

adam dowsett November 2nd, 2006 22:24

Given the title of this thread, I find it odd that Treadstone hasn't chimed in. I'll bet he has some absolutely fascinating anecdotes to regale us with.


Manmaries November 2nd, 2006 22:26

Wierdest place I didn't find a bb was I accidentaly dropped a bb into a bucket of Porch Climber we were drinking, and when the bucket was done, no bb at the bottom....

Shrike November 2nd, 2006 22:27

I saw Tready fart one across the room once.

musta been almost 250 fps.

Manmaries November 2nd, 2006 22:30

Could he fire more than one at once, like a shotgun kind of?

Amos November 2nd, 2006 23:26

I was taking a shower once...

And a BB fell out.. Of no where...

I was completely naked, and a BB fell from no where.


Manmaries November 2nd, 2006 23:31


Shrike November 2nd, 2006 23:34

Or one of it's moons?

You really should see someone about that.

Amos November 2nd, 2006 23:35


Originally Posted by Manmaries (Post 375923)

Y'know.. I'm not exactly sure.

I'm not going to rule it out... But I have no idea how it would have gotten there...

I think it may have been in my bed, and I slept on it and it got stuck to my skin and broke off in the shower..

TCLP November 3rd, 2006 18:13

I sometimes use my towels as bb traps when I plink in my room, anyway, after doing so I had a shower lo and behold there was a bb in my towel the strange part is I shook out the towel before I used it.

<Ez-Target> November 3rd, 2006 19:26

Actually, yes.. i was firing around my room, and the morning after, i went into the shower and, well, you know.. cleaned.. and out popped a bb...
My first and only thought.... wtf.... then i remembered waking up and removing about six bb's from under me.... i guess i missed one..

hearty November 4th, 2006 17:08


Originally Posted by swatt13 (Post 291140)
in my daughters diaper. bright green .12g apperantly i left some on the floor and natured worked its magic.

I laughed.

I found one in my mustard.

Neverhood November 4th, 2006 17:10

My church. Some kids had clear springers and were shooting each other at a bible study, nearly slipped on a couple that were lying around.

Vivisector November 4th, 2006 22:47

Today: Cat's litter box.

Savage Eh November 5th, 2006 03:05

i found one in my back pocket in class the otherday because it was hurtin my ass

Kuraitenshi November 5th, 2006 05:33

cats litter box, inside one of my sterios speakers. When I plink at home the speakers are to my right, and sheltered by items such as a book case and sofa. I was rearanging them and noticed a rattling noise.

fasterbassdrums November 5th, 2006 19:18

:confused: at work on the high line, i know that no one has a gun at work (we live in camp) but i saw one on the high line at work about 150 feet in the air. so it must have been in my covvies or someone leses covvies cause there no explanation for that

smith_mincha November 15th, 2006 18:48

When i go to Hudson (a little town close to me) I find them all over (maybe some kids playing with clear guns)

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