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swatt13 September 12th, 2006 12:45

winter gameing
its just about time for this, ive got some questions id like cleared up. i wasnt sure where the best place for this was.

-what gun (if any) is best suited for winter gameing.
-is there one that performs better than others and less prone to cold damage, (ie. mechbox internals grenading, body and other parts cracking, mag issues)
-would a plastic or metal body be better?

-what kind of tips can anybody give.
-should you back your hop up all they way off?
-should you insulate your battery housing?
-how cold is too cold?

-nimh are reccommended for winter play correct?

-how well do gbbs perform in the winter.

-what kind of reccomendations does anybody have gear wise?
-what goggles are more prone to fail from a winter shot.
-what bbs perform batter (or are they even affected)

any other info on issues associated with winter gaming would be appreciated. i didnt play last winter at all and i dont want to miss out this year.

sherlockbonez September 12th, 2006 12:54

Any large battery gun is fine.

As long as you don't take long burst, there shouldn't be a problem with mech box breaking. I've seen people putting hot packs on their battery, I don't think it works.

GBB are sh!t and don't really work at all, I just use an AEP.

PTE. Pyle September 12th, 2006 12:55

gas guns dont preform in the winter. the gas wont vapourise properly when the temp is to low so you get one or 2 shots off and then it vents the rest of the gas.

ILLusion September 12th, 2006 12:57

Any gun that's not a v2 gearbox.

NiCad batteries will kick NiMH batteries around.

Adjust your hop up accordingly, no need to back it off, but it will become stiffer with the cold, so you'll have to completely reset it on play day.

Keep your battery warm to improve performance.

GBBs DON'T perform at all in the winter... although you're okay down to around -10 degrees. You probably won't be able to empty an entire mag of BBs at that temp though.

LAYER UP your clothes.

Mantelope September 12th, 2006 13:53


Originally Posted by ILLusion
NiCad batteries will kick NiMH batteries around.

I've had very different experience... My 3700mAh NiMH ran a LOT longer in my CA33E than the 2400mAh NiCads in other teammates' guns on a very cold (-10° to -20°) day. In fact, my battery lasted the entire game, whereas all of the NiCads that I saw had died or were dying by the end.

porry September 12th, 2006 19:32

yeah but harley, you had 1200 more Mah than the nicads, a difference like that you will figure a nimh will last longer, do that test again with the same rated batteries.

Mantelope September 12th, 2006 19:34

Why? 2400's the highest you can get NiCad sub-c packs in, and you can get higher mAh NiMH packs for less money. The fact is my battery lasted for way more than just the mAh difference would account for.

swatt13 September 12th, 2006 19:44

so why not with the v2 illusion, will it just accentuate the risk of cracking the shell? i have a fmu m4 w/ a systema mechbox, any danger, or should i wip out my xm8 for the winter?

also let me know if any of these guns are in danger

sig 551 systema torque up gears, upgraded spring and bushings, systema piston

552 uprgraded spring and bushings

famas stock

m14 stock (tm)

g36 uprgraded spring and bushings

ak upgraded spring and bushing

stock m4 and m16

meuhey September 12th, 2006 22:32

good questions, im waiting for answers... well for the hop up thing, i mean, what do i have to do with it after a winter game? i dont really understand that part, keeping hop up on will damage it ??? or the hop up just wont work for the time you're in the cold?? thx

ILLusion September 13th, 2006 07:57

One-piece v2 gearboxes have a general design flaw across all brands. I've cracked Progear (Systema) "reinforced" v2 gearboxes while playing in the winter before.

The sig551 I may worry about because it's so plasticy... plastic becomes brittle when cold

The 552 should be okay, but you'll have to run an external battery pack, a mini won't cut it.

The M14 should be fine, the gearbox seems strong.

G36 and AK seem fine.

STOCK v2 gearbox guns should be okay as long as you keep dry firing to a minimum.

meuhey: regarding hop up, nobody said that keeping it on will damage it. Just that because the material becomes stiffer in the cold, you'll have to reduce your regular hop up setting on game day to compensate or your BBs will have too much backspin on it.

mykill666 September 13th, 2006 08:19

im quite positive the m14 will work fine and have minimal damage to it.

swatt13 September 13th, 2006 15:18

well thanks alot illusion i owe you one.

|-|ellfire September 15th, 2006 22:10

For my winter experience, my good old MC-51's gearbox shell broked off in two at the end of a winter game, but it was REALLY old and used.

canadian guy October 22nd, 2006 11:45

Are you guys saying that a V3 gearbox would work better in winter than the V2's ?

ILLusion October 22nd, 2006 11:54

That's exactly what's being said.

Amazing KG3 October 22nd, 2006 12:27

ive heard the g36c and the p90 are the best winter AEGs.

ILLusion October 22nd, 2006 17:03

Actually, out of the box, I'd say the AK and M14 are the best winter AEGs because:
a) They support large pack batteries
b) They don't have version 2 gearboxes.

Of course, with modifications to get a large cell pack running on it, a P90 or G36C would also fit the bill.

Mentosice October 22nd, 2006 17:48

big battery thats it Iv been playing in winter for 2 years now and never had any problem you can chek my 1st video in winter
Airsoft in winter
note my m4 got full of snow many time never had any problem just make sure to lube it well and id sugest you spay some oil on the metal part to prevent em from rust.

fa-mas m4a1 and thompson all tm stock

P.S. Sorry if the video have many transition that was one of my 1st video.


Laike October 22nd, 2006 18:47

I think it was red tiger who brought a m14 to use at the stargate game last christmas. It worked wonderfully. I don't remember exactly how cold, but it was REALLY cold and it was a night winter game.

FOX_111 October 22nd, 2006 19:35

His M14 is upgraded a lot and use a crazy big ass battery. He used it at colder games without problems.

Small battery word good if your gun is stock. I played several years with a stock G36 and small batterie. If you have a small batt, have 2 just in case.

Hortons Heros November 6th, 2006 18:09

do TM shotties, being all plastic, break easier in the cold. I had super 90 that broke in the summer and I have heard that the spas are better internals. Is there a danger in using TM shotties in cold games?

Nydilius October 24th, 2007 04:31


Originally Posted by Hortons Heros (Post 377606)
do TM shotties, being all plastic, break easier in the cold. I had super 90 that broke in the summer and I have heard that the spas are better internals. Is there a danger in using TM shotties in cold games?

I'm kinda curious about this too. I was considering snagging a spas 12 just for colder games. (that, and they are just soooo dead sexay! :D)

Koopa October 24th, 2007 10:14


Originally Posted by Hortons Heros (Post 377606)
do TM shotties, being all plastic, break easier in the cold. I had super 90 that broke in the summer and I have heard that the spas are better internals. Is there a danger in using TM shotties in cold games?

Yes there is. I have broken a shotgun's nozzles in the winter

dodger_me November 24th, 2007 18:34

Since the winter season is popping back up...
My first Winter game(and 2nd outdoor) is Coming up and im wondering if a 1200mah nicd will work, Its all i have right now, its only going to be about -5

Tankdude November 24th, 2007 18:41

What brand?

Ibby November 24th, 2007 19:51


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 351235)
Any gun that's not a v2 gearbox.

NiCad batteries will kick NiMH batteries around.

Keep your battery warm to improve performance.

+1 to all these points. I've seen many V2's break below about -5 C. On the other hand, both my ICS M4's have functioned very well in plenty of winter games. The mechbox shells are a bit thicker, and I am sure I'll break one some day but I haven't so far.

NiCads are much more forgiving in the cold than NiMh. Lithium are even better. The age and condition of your battery will play a bigger role in colder weather. Keeping your battery warm will make it perform better, as cooling them will reduce the reactivity inside them. A lot of our army equipment that runs on batteries either uses lithium rechargeables or will have a built in heater of some sort.

In the winter I find putting your GBB in a shoulder holster improves it's efficiency in the cold. Same with the mags. Those nylon secret service type rigs works very well.

dodger_me November 24th, 2007 19:56


Originally Posted by Tankdude (Post 580909)
What brand?

Its the one that came with my kraken,
i dont know what make the cells are.
Also how how will it be when it is fully charged? Im using a dumb charger

swatt13 November 24th, 2007 20:54

find out the mah/hr rateing on the charger it will say on the part that plugs into the wall, and then divide the mah of your batt by that to find out how long it will take in hours to charge to full capacity.

a 1200mah should last you half the day to 3/4 the day depending on your finger.

Nydilius November 24th, 2007 21:35


Originally Posted by Ibby (Post 580975)
+1 to all these points. I've seen many V2's break below about -5 C. On the other hand, both my ICS M4's have functioned very well in plenty of winter games. The mechbox shells are a bit thicker, and I am sure I'll break one some day but I haven't so far.

NiCads are much more forgiving in the cold than NiMh. Lithium are even better. The age and condition of your battery will play a bigger role in colder weather. Keeping your battery warm will make it perform better, as cooling them will reduce the reactivity inside them. A lot of our army equipment that runs on batteries either uses lithium rechargeables or will have a built in heater of some sort.

In the winter I find putting your GBB in a shoulder holster improves it's efficiency in the cold. Same with the mags. Those nylon secret service type rigs works very well.

How about the v8 gearbox? I've read its based on the v2 so does it have the same problems in cold weather? (info on this mechbox is a <curseword> to find)

dodger_me November 24th, 2007 21:39

isnt the v8 an m14? If so it should work pretty good.
Wait a min. Is the v8 a type89?

Pip November 24th, 2007 21:42

No M14's use v7's, and i think the type 89 is an 8...My M14 has held up on some snow games, seems to be a strong design.

Styrak November 25th, 2007 02:21


Originally Posted by dodger_me (Post 581043)
isnt the v8 an m14? If so it should work pretty good.
Wait a min. Is the v8 a type89?

Yup, the only gun that has the V8 mechbox is the Type89.

Nervikaire November 25th, 2007 09:09

Well, Altough I have no doubt V.2 mechbox's are the most fragile out there, winter or not, it's the only thing I've used in winter for 3 years now. Never had an issue with the mechbox itself. ''Only'' thing that happened is I snapped a metal body on a freaking cold day. So if you use a V.2 at around 280/330 reinforced GB and you don't abuse automatic fire... Just personnal experience. This winter will be my first one using Li-PO. Can't wait to kick poor Ni-MH's ass :D

REX FERAL November 25th, 2007 14:18

Systema PTW in winter
Has anybody used a PTW at -20.

I have one coming next week ,

just in time for real a Northern BC winter.

Or would you be crazy to use this gun.:sad:

McKee November 26th, 2007 16:18


AK-47 is the best winter gun. V3 gearbox, and the design of the upper and lower reciever is pretty good so as snow has a hard time entering the inside (opposite is true with armalite ie.. ejection port cover). As well, you can take off the upper reciever plate and jam those hot hand warmers in to warm up your mechbox. As well, the selector switch is huge, the magazines/mag catch is huge, all easy to operate with gloves on. I used AK in the winter and it's very nice.

Mr. G36! November 26th, 2007 16:32

Yesterday was about -10 degrees, and my TM G36C was totally fine. One 600mah mini lasted me the entire game.

HaZarD SFD November 26th, 2007 19:01

I would suggest 100% to play semi only. I have attended a game when it was
-30 out and on the field were a G36C, CA M16, and a G36k. All ran great untill
about 3 hours in.. hopups started to harden up and became totally useless..
The CA M16 hopup blew lol.. but no mechboxes broke at all.

camspring February 15th, 2008 20:59


Amos February 15th, 2008 21:02


Originally Posted by camspring (Post 644287)

... WAY too much black gear.

mike909 February 15th, 2008 21:19

My 3800MAH doesnt get affected at all.

mike909 February 15th, 2008 21:20


Originally Posted by Mr. G36! (Post 582140)
Yesterday was about -10 degrees, and my TM G36C was totally fine. One 600mah mini lasted me the entire game.

Ive never tried a battery that low in mah. How is it?

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