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SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 16:56

Which Gun Is the Best out of these???
I'm getting a new gun soon and i'm stuck between these:


The velocity on the G&G M4 Light MAX is really high but it comes with a replacement spring that tones down the FPS. It's an M100 spring by the way.

The King Arms Full Metal M4A1 is picky with magazines.
The Colt M4 CQB is all metal except the stock but i'm not sure who makes it.

Right now i'm leaning towards the G&G because the upgrades it comes with, not the FPS though so don't think i want the G&G because of the high velocity :).

Also i'm not asking where to get a gun, i'm just asking which is better.Thanks!

Mplanters April 12th, 2011 17:06

i think the G&G si the one you should have, i heard great comments about MAX series and i owned a G&G before and i never had any problems with it.

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:12


Originally Posted by Mplanters (Post 1446473)
i think the G&G si the one you should have, i heard great comments about MAX series and i owned a G&G before and i never had any problems with it.

Wow, an actual answer!Thank you!

iKliiu April 12th, 2011 17:13

Definitely get the King Arms, since it has good internals and externals (full metal body, unlike the G&G)

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:15


Originally Posted by iKliiu (Post 1446479)
Definitely get the King Arms, since it has good internals and externals (full metal body, unlike the G&G)

Do you know if pmags and G&P magazines work in the King Arms one?

R.I.T.Z April 12th, 2011 17:16


Originally Posted by iKliiu (Post 1446479)
Definitely get the King Arms, since it has good internals and externals (full metal body, unlike the G&G)

the MAX series is metal bodied please do some research before posting

R.I.T.Z April 12th, 2011 17:19


Originally Posted by SilverGrape78 (Post 1446481)
Do you know if pmags and G&P magazines work in the King Arms one?


SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:19


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1446482)
the MAX series is metal bodied please do some research before posting

Yes but the G&G we're talking about is made out of nylon fiber for both receivers.

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:20


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1446485)

Really?Do you own the gun?I have a pmag and a G&P mag so that's why im asking :P

R.I.T.Z April 12th, 2011 17:24


Originally Posted by SilverGrape78 (Post 1446490)
Really?Do you own the gun?I have a pmag and a G&P mag so that's why im asking :P

I used to own a G&G m4, I had the body swapped out with a King arms metal one. almost every armalite style mag will fit into the reciever (except ptw) Star and King arms mags have given some feeding difficulty. Are your p-mags greenlabel (cheap boxed set) ? because they have been know for some feeding problems. G&P + MAG are by far the best magazine producers for the price and fit quite flawlessly

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:31


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1446494)
I used to own a G&G m4, I had the body swapped out with a King arms metal one. almost every armalite style mag will fit into the reciever (except ptw) Star and King arms mags have given some feeding difficulty. Are your p-mags greenlabel (cheap boxed set) ? because they have been know for some feeding problems. G&P + MAG are by far the best magazine producers for the price and fit quite flawlessly

Does cost in magazines make a difference?My pmags are like $30 each so i'm not sure.

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:32

Also which gun do you think is the best out of the ones i listed?

SilverGrape78 April 12th, 2011 17:33


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1446494)
I used to own a G&G m4, I had the body swapped out with a King arms metal one. almost every armalite style mag will fit into the reciever (except ptw) Star and King arms mags have given some feeding difficulty. Are your p-mags greenlabel (cheap boxed set) ? because they have been know for some feeding problems. G&P + MAG are by far the best magazine producers for the price and fit quite flawlessly

So the King Arms body you had in your G&G M4, was it the same as the King Arms M4A1 i listed?

iKliiu April 12th, 2011 17:35


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1446482)
the MAX series is metal bodied please do some research before posting

Look at the gun he listed, it was the MAX Light, which have plastic receivers to reduce cost levels.

R.I.T.Z April 12th, 2011 17:36


Originally Posted by SilverGrape78 (Post 1446500)
Does cost in magazines make a difference?My pmags are like $30 each so i'm not sure.

if bought seperatly then they should be the genuine magpul ones which are great.

to basically answer your questions
Any m4 mag will fit and work in you m4 (some may require some minor fitting/sanding)

as for "best"
an AK is totally different from a M4 so it goes down to personal taste.
I'd go for a King arms one. the difference between the two is the rails and battery placement.

but your best bet is Age verification.
If your not 18, then you cannot get an airsoft gun sadly.

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