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Tankdude August 5th, 2005 16:51

Hbar ~update~WITH pictures omg
I am going to be making myself a hbar barrel for my aug.

Going to be 12 cm longer then the normal barrel and made of steel and might be a little thicker pending on weight. Will be threaded 14- on the end if need be. I might just make my own flash hider. bipod not included.

If I make the first one it probely woldn't take long to make a few others.

Wondering if there are any other aug owners out there looking for a hbar barrel?

Don't clutter this thread with stupid comments, just post if you would be interested.

I plan to make 2 extra if possible.

odp August 5th, 2005 18:42

Interested, pending cost.

Lisa August 6th, 2005 18:22


Tankdude August 12th, 2005 16:51

update: Will be made of aluminum. 3 hbar barrels are planned, but I could make more if interest pops up. I am also thinking about a bull barrel and a cilvian model.

Cost is unknown yet. I am the one programing the machine and running it and the metal doesn't cost very much.

Tankdude August 25th, 2005 18:49

The first barrel is made. It fits but I have to make the ID a bit bigger.

It is long and silver and fits in the collar very tight, but it does fit.

I have two more already cut out on the cnc lathe and just have to drill the barrel and do a finishing pass on the surface. I'm going to set up the cnc lathe to do the drilling for me from now on as it took a few hours just to do the first barrel. in out in out in out, oil, in out in out in out oil.

Don't have a word on price yet, but I wouldn't worry about it, be dirt cheap pending on a few things, I guess the max would be 100, but it probly be closer to 50-75 range shipped pending on a few things.

I can also make shorter barrels. I plan to make a para barrel for myself.

Shinjin_MC August 25th, 2005 20:26

HBAR barrel?
count me in!
ill make a deposit too if you want

Tankdude August 25th, 2005 20:32

odp August 25th, 2005 20:43

Looks pretty slick so far. The price isn't bad at all. Will definately take one, if your cost estimates are correct. Will the inner barrels need barrel spacers or does the inner barrel fit well?

Tankdude August 25th, 2005 20:54

doesn't fit as of right now. I need to make the hole wider. Prototype and I forgot to bring in the barrel and just guessed at the hole (read: stupid me)

The inner barrel should fit very nice once I drill a bit more. Maybe some tape, but leaving it to float free might be best.

Tankdude August 26th, 2005 15:51

Done. I have 5 ready to go. I did the QC and they all fit. You have to cut the silver tube that surrounds the inner barrel back to the collar. This was just because of drill bits or a lack of.

75 dollars shipped. extra ones will be 60 each. First people get the pick of the litter.

Aquamarine August 29th, 2005 18:36

Those look DAMN DAMN sexy buddy. I'm anxiously awaiting a review

(pulls his Aug out)

Tankdude August 29th, 2005 18:40

Lisa has one on the way. I already used mine at a 24hr game and it rocked. I could do a review, but I might be a little bias. :)

Far right.

Lisa August 29th, 2005 21:04

Looking forward to it, the price was right.

Shinjin_MC September 6th, 2005 18:30

quick question
how do you remove the original barrel from that foregrip attatchment part?
there is this nubbie right by the gas port thing
but i have no idea how the parts detach

Tankdude September 6th, 2005 18:35

remove the forward grip. Under it is a small screw. Undo that and the barrel will slide right out.

Cut the silver tube back to the collar.

Insert new barrel and re tighten screw.

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