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-Shade July 22nd, 2014 21:59

LiPo Battery INSIDE a Suppressor
Hey all!

Yes yes - all aboard the honey badger train.

I just finished my build the other day and due to the stock on this gun, I needed to wire it to the front. I was able to fit a NanoAAB inside the handguard, but there wasn't much room for a battery. I totally could have squeezed some 1100mah nunchucks in there or something, but it would look pretty AWFUL through the sections of the handguard.

My solution to this would be to attempt to place the lipo inside the suppressor. A user in another thread had mentioned how, for an integrated suppressor look, he used a longer barrel, opened one end of the suppressor, and screwed it on backwards by placing the outer barrel into it. This got me thinking that I could place a battery like this inside. The supressor is 40mm in diameter FYI.

Has anyone had experience with something like this before? Any tips? Does this seem feasible? Currently my battery is sitting inside an ugly PEQ, lol.

targetGspot July 22nd, 2014 22:57

don't know about the suppressor but ready-mag?

Kos-Mos July 22nd, 2014 23:01

100% possible.

But go with theses instead, they are slimmer and you have more chances to be able to install them.

If you can have your barrel turned down to the same diameter as the M4 "cutout", you will have plenty of space for the 2000mAh.

pestobanana July 22nd, 2014 23:05

You could probably do it. Maybe take a wide suppressor and cut a hole in one of the screw caps to put your wiring through. Maybe make it so you have to plug the battery in and place it inside the suppressor, before attaching it it to the gun.

I would also get rid of the NanoAAB. Get a smaller FET and install it beside the hop up unit.

Kos-Mos July 22nd, 2014 23:21

Just thought about it.

You can actually do what pesto said.

Drill a hole on the cap where you screw the barrel.
Thread lock the silencer and cap in place, and remove the other end.
Place the wires in there long enough to reach the tip of the silencer.
Obviously remove any foam that is in there.

And leave the outer barrel long enough to reach the tip of the silencer.
You basically have the same setup as a run the mill M4A1 plastic handguard.

-Shade July 23rd, 2014 01:07

Hmm - I never thought of it like being an M4 handguard. Makes me realize how much space there actually may be...

These are excellent ideas :)

redzaku July 23rd, 2014 02:40

maybe use a battery that is meant for the king arms VAL?

Rabbit July 23rd, 2014 11:53

EH - what kind of 12" sub is that on the shelf?

Its beautiful, I commend the subway professionals on that one, the bread looks so fresh!

I wish I had a sub that nice looking that I could put on a shelf :(

chaz July 23rd, 2014 12:17


Originally Posted by rabbit (Post 1902631)
eh - what kind of 12" sub is that on the shelf?

Its beautiful, i commend the subway professionals on that one, the bread looks so fresh!

I wish i had a sub that nice looking that i could put on a shelf :(

lol wtf!?

DustMagnet July 23rd, 2014 12:33

Is that another sub behind the rifle?

mr_nuts31 July 23rd, 2014 17:22

I think it's possible if you can set it up like the King Arms VSS:

Trev140_0 July 23rd, 2014 17:37

No seriously, why do you have subs on the shelf?

Is there a shortage of subs?

Is this a marketing ploy? I recall years ago subway rolled out on the buses..

week 1

"I Lub"

then week 2

"I Lub My"

Then "I Lub My Sub"

So come clean man....what's with the sub.

-Shade July 23rd, 2014 17:42


Originally Posted by Rabbit (Post 1902631)
EH - what kind of 12" sub is that on the shelf?

Its beautiful, I commend the subway professionals on that one, the bread looks so fresh!

I wish I had a sub that nice looking that I could put on a shelf :(

I can't stop... laughing...


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1902677)
No seriously, why do you have subs on the shelf?

Is there a shortage of subs?

Is this a marketing ploy? I recall years ago subway rolled out on the buses..

week 1

"I Lub"

then week 2

"I Lub My"

Then "I Lub My Sub"

So come clean man....what's with the sub.

OK OK - I'll come clean. I have an addiction to subs. Sometimes they just end up in weird places. Sorry. was delicious

Trev140_0 July 23rd, 2014 17:54


Originally Posted by -Shade (Post 1902678)
I can't stop... laughing...

While you are laughing, I am troubled. This is like looking at one of those weird pictures you cant stop looking at.

You have to explain soon man, or expect this thread to go viral.


Did you spend too much on the suppressor project and cant afford a fridge??? Is this some sort of social experiment?

-Shade July 23rd, 2014 18:34

^^^ lol


Originally Posted by Trev140_0 (Post 1902682)
While you are laughing, I am troubled. This is like looking at one of those weird pictures you cant stop looking at.

You have to explain soon man, or expect this thread to go viral.


Did you spend too much on the suppressor project and cant afford a fridge??? Is this some sort of social experiment?

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