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SGT_Blaster October 7th, 2014 13:13

ptw clone
i want to know if someone already buy this clone have found to brand on google celcius g&d some info replace part quality etc thank

FULLMETAL October 7th, 2014 13:34

search in the forum you wil find plenty of info about the CTW (celcius) DTW (G&D) etc... search first ;), there is even one from A&K. From all the clones the most valuable one is the CTW (but that under my opinion).

DipTwit October 7th, 2014 15:02

Good (but getting long) forum thread found here:

I myself have 2 A&K clones, they've needed a couple of small tweaks to improve quality, but have since been good workhorses, no breakdowns and shoot really well.

Ricochet October 7th, 2014 15:30

I strictly run Systema PTWs, and have seen a bunch of clones in action. I haven't seen a DTW, but have not heard one good thing about them. A&K is the cheapest I believe, and may require upgrading to a few Systema parts over time to either fix what breaks down, or to improve overall performance. I have seen several CTWs, and as far as clones go, they seem to be the best performers. You'll likely need to upgrade the hop-up and cylinder to a higher quality likely, and the electronics and motors seem to be fifty-fifty. Some have run a long while, others are plain garbage. I believe CTW has a good warrenty on their shit, which is good, because I've seen many down and in the shop as much time as they are in working condition. It really comes down to what you can afford, and where the nearest supplier and TW gun docs are located from you. I'd recommend saving up for the real deal Systema, but that's quite an invesemt, and not feasible for everyone. Especially after the cost of mags, cylinders, and the motor mod, once your motor goes that is.

DipTwit October 8th, 2014 11:22

Hey on that topic - have the Kumi motors "fixed" the problem with them going down so much? I haven't heard anyone claim yes or no, maybe because they haven't been around long enough to see how many fail, but I'd be curious to know...

I had to replace the hopup chamber base in one of mine (the chamber base actually sat in the upper at a bit of an angle) but other than that, all upgrades I did were just accessorizing - so far no breakdowns.

If I could go back in time and do it all over again, I'd never have bought a single AEG, and I might even go Systema instead of clone (cuz the clones didn't exist back then) but now that I have them, I'll keep my clones and upgrade/fix as necessary - they shoot as well as I could ask for.

Ricochet October 8th, 2014 16:35

Kumi is based off of the 7511 Systema motor. Although it may have a better performance rate than standard Systema motors, I'd wager it suffers from the same issues that all Systema motors have always suffered from. There wasn't anything wrong with the other Systema motors to begin with, 480, 490, 7511, etc, except the armature being too tightly wound. Having it rewound produces an amazing and reliable motor, and is worth it. However it costs about $250 to get it done. Also, the 7511, which the Kumi is based off of, went down a lot quicker and more consistently than the older models ever did.

ThunderCactus October 8th, 2014 18:35

They've got a 490 and 7511 "KUMI" motor
Haven't heard anything really about the KUMI 490, but I've heard the KUMI 7511 has only slightly better life than the 7511. Not really enough reports to make an informed decision, realistically you only hear about the dead motors.

Anyway the solution for that, like all other systema motors, is to get them tac'd
Unfortunately it just doesn't seem like they can mass produce a motor of such high quality as tac.

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