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[Sigma]*SATAN* February 1st, 2006 17:28

Thermal imaging movie
heres a short film we made a while ago testing one of my teammates thermal sighting system:

and yes... it´s me running back and forth :salute:

LucidFox February 1st, 2006 17:42

That's really cool! Heh you dance better then me >:(.

Can we have a picture of the camera? I'de like to get one of those for night recon.I'm already blind enough as it is in day time, don't need night time screwing me over.

Thumbs up mate!

[Sigma]*SATAN* February 1st, 2006 18:06


Originally Posted by LucidFox
That's really cool! Heh you dance better then me >:(.

Can we have a picture of the camera? I'de like to get one of those for night recon.I'm already blind enough as it is in day time, don't need night time screwing me over.

Thumbs up mate!

the thermal imager: we used a normal digital camera to do the film(just held it up to the eyepeice)hence the bad quality.....
But i would not recomend purchasing this particular model as it is quite bulky, and has a HUGE external battery...
anyway... unless you have somthing like 3000+$ just lying arond, you would be better of with a night vision system......

Mysteryfish February 1st, 2006 18:21

That music rocks.

satanic pope February 1st, 2006 19:21


Originally Posted by [Sigma]*SATAN*

Originally Posted by LucidFox
That's really cool! Heh you dance better then me >:(.

Can we have a picture of the camera? I'de like to get one of those for night recon.I'm already blind enough as it is in day time, don't need night time screwing me over.

Thumbs up mate!

the thermal imager: we used a normal digital camera to do the film(just held it up to the eyepeice)hence the bad quality.....
But i would not recomend purchasing this particular model as it is quite bulky, and has a HUGE external battery...
anyway... unless you have somthing like 3000+$ just lying arond, you would be better of with a night vision system......

Ahh but for $10000 you could get the weapon mounted Thermol sight. I'll take two! :smack:

*I actually thought the weapon mounted one would be more then $10000 US. Cool

FOX_111 February 1st, 2006 22:41

Nice shit.

What's the name of the music playing? I'll put it in my car to danse while being stuck in trafic!

Iceman February 1st, 2006 23:51

you know... how simple this video is... its awesome.

It perfectly recreates what 'comedy' is all about. A faceless character moving "to the sound" of music, making funny moves... i keep watching it and i find it hilarious! good job mate!

So, what's that song? and where can i get that device ;)

[Sigma]*SATAN* February 2nd, 2006 09:28


Originally Posted by Iceman
you know... how simple this video is... its awesome.

It perfectly recreates what 'comedy' is all about. A faceless character moving "to the sound" of music, making funny moves... i keep watching it and i find it hilarious! good job mate!

So, what's that song? and where can i get that device ;)

the song is called patricia by perry como and my teammate bought the devise on ebay.....

glad ya´ll like the vid...:)

TEAM-JOG February 2nd, 2006 12:40

thermal sight and a laser... the opponent would be completely screwed!

Glock 18 February 2nd, 2006 12:53

haha :lol: nice video, looks like the device works great. The music and dancing reminded me of something out of pink panther.

gandar February 2nd, 2006 13:18

lmao that was great.

Chubby February 24th, 2006 05:54

You hacker!! :kill:

(funny vid too btw ;))

iarenick February 24th, 2006 20:48

Haha, thats pretty cool!

My IQ has dropped 150 points :smack:

hehe, looks like a show from the 80's or something

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