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ancorp August 5th, 2006 14:02

Type 89 review
Right here:

One is already for sale on ebay (US, shipped from hong kong), so I hope to see some of these here ina couple of months, if not less!

Also here:

I think this really sets a new standard for the world famous, most reliable brand that used to lack metal receivers... Too bad it doesnt say anything about the 3 round burst.

Too bad the review is so short...


^Hyperion^ August 5th, 2006 14:10

I also am surprise the T89 is so popular outside is country of origin but hey , ARs are used in airsoft around the world so I guess it's normal

ancorp August 5th, 2006 14:18

Ditto. There are so many damn brands and variants of the AR in airsoft. Luckly lately alot of AK varians are finally coming out (AK, AKS, AK74, AKS74, AK74M, AKS74U, AK103, AK104, RPK), for a while we were just stuck with classic gas AKs, crappy springers, and the TM AK, AKS, and the unrealistic AKBeta.
Long live the Kalashnikov


tomsoderman August 5th, 2006 15:03

007 airsoft has them instock

conrad August 5th, 2006 15:48

Specarm's has had them instock for quite a few days now. suprised noone on the local vancouver forums has posted a review of one yet... perhaps not a big seller?

thephenom August 5th, 2006 16:24

I guess the big price tag + stick battery isn't too attractive to most.

Deathcom4 August 5th, 2006 17:16

in total for the gun and the batt 825 ish

The Saint August 6th, 2006 01:13

Stick batteries aren't such a critical problem since the advent of Intellect cells and more recently, GP cells. I'm surprised that people aren't snatching them up for the originality and OMFG-TM-FMU factors.

ILLusion August 6th, 2006 01:51

The fact that the stock holds a spare stick battery lends itself to an interesting modification to wire up two stick batteries in parallel for dual the capacity and increased performance. Hmm....

MadMax August 6th, 2006 02:03

Nickel chemistries don't lend themselves well to parallel arrangements, but LiOn does. MuHHuuHhahHAAa.

Droc August 6th, 2006 11:15

ha, thats neat. I didnt know its been out for awhile.
TM made the FMU gun for the japanese army back in 04 now, we get the civilian version reeased. cool

Mantelope August 6th, 2006 12:38

According to the review, you can't fit a large 8.4 because the stock is too short, not narrow as was originally believed. I'm betting it's totally possible to make a battery that'll fit with a creative configuration of A or 2/3SC cells.

MadMax August 6th, 2006 13:30

I'm going to line the stock with nickel foil and fill it with battery acid to make the WHOLE stock a battery!

It looks like there's enough space to distribute a decent amount of cells throughout the stock and gun.

Ghost Snake August 6th, 2006 13:57


Originally Posted by MadMax
I'm going to line the stock with nickel foil and fill it with battery acid to make the WHOLE stock a battery!

Awesome! Make sure you take pics when you're done ;-)

Droc August 6th, 2006 18:24

ill bet it wont take long before 3rd party manurfacturers like G*P come out with a large battery ready stock for the gun.

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