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xhale May 17th, 2007 20:31

G&G turbo fan breakdown
I had bought a G&G Turbo fan set some time ago but it broke :( I found the little fan to replace the broken one a while back and now I dropped in into the G&G little mount thing. Fit perfectly, exact same fan. One problem is I lost the box that holds the two double a batteries. Anyone know where I could pick one up (maybe some kind of hobby shop?) and what it would most likely be used for or called. It just needs to have the little switch too.

I'm sure they exist for some other reason that building these fan sets.

Here is a picture in case you don't know what I'm referring to:

xhale May 17th, 2007 20:35

Well to answer my own question... lol. I found this site:

I will probably look locally first or order one there. I notice they have the same set up but for 2 AAA or 3 AAA, think those would work with the same fans?

dontask May 17th, 2007 21:16

the Source has them too
except from what I remember the price is twice or three times more expensive than your site

xhale May 18th, 2007 01:41

For future refrence to any GVA airsofters (or any Canadians who want to order online too):

R P Electronics in Burnaby, they carry everything to make your own.

ThunderCactus May 18th, 2007 16:57

if its a G&G theres no surprise it broke, why not make yourself a custom one with 'the source' parts, computer fan and a 9v battery?

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