Airsoft Canada

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BootYourFace February 23rd, 2009 20:35

Dedicated "Badie" airsofters?
I'm just curious if anyone here has a dedicated "bad guy" kit that is their primary. Where I play, its normally digital camo vs non digital camo. And as I don't see that I've earned the right to sport a Canadian uniform, I'm constantly being the bad guys. From the SS, insurgent, to a cod4 ultra nationalist.

Tell me what you got, and your feelings on there being a dedicated insurgent themed team. I feel that the bad guys are not represented enough. And that there is too much "nato fighting nato" with airsoft in Canada.

I do however understand that people put a kit together based on what they like, and I can see how doing a Taliban loadout wouldn't be very popular.

Sha Do February 23rd, 2009 20:44

Actually, there are a couple of players that are dedicated "badies" around. I'm not one of them, but a guy called Freedom Fighter (aka Little Alien) ran nothing but the typical "bad guys" AKs and a schemaug, with no camo kit (usually OD pants and a tee shirt). Over the years he accumulated several AKs....nothing else. I'll see if I can get him post a couple of pics of his massive collection of "badie" stuff (he's more than semi retired out of the sport).


TGAallDAY February 24th, 2009 01:56

hey boot, im pretty new to airsoft (havnt even played my first game yet) but I was thinking the same thing at first. Ive decided to just try and get both :D
Ive ordered a m4, OD CIRAS vest with CADPAT BDU(to list the basics) so far but I also plan on gettin an AK, shemagh, some sorta chest rig, not too sure what else at this point. I wanna be able to play both roles this summer. Anyone else do this?...or do you just stick with one or the other?

KNIVEZS February 24th, 2009 02:11

its not my primary but i use civi clothing, shemagh, and my aks74u
i dont use any chest rig.i keep my mags on my pants pocket

jotaerre February 24th, 2009 09:57

One spanish team :


Donster February 24th, 2009 10:11

im planning on buying a WWII German impression kit, hopefully sometime this summer or fall. i have no real intention of going allied.

capca February 24th, 2009 10:25

Hi, I'm Capca from TAN Airsoft, a little taliban group in Spain. First of all thanks to JR to publicite our blog, we are friends here in Spain, good guy.

I just want to say that there are too "pro occidental" groups and no one wants to be the "badie", and that's what we want to do, be original (our clothes are directly sent from Pakistan, not buyed in Internet).
We have a different conception, you are not "badie" even if you wear like a taliban. Even more, there are much more badies in the occidental teams :P. Just joking, what we love is that when you are in the enemy sight is when you have to be smarter, and most of the times is more fun to be hated!

This is how we look like in the next 0'20 number(spanish magazine).

Visit us hehe!

phantastik February 24th, 2009 11:01

Going to create a serbian/yugoslav paramilitary load out eventually, :D.

That or i plan on throwin my palestinian head scarf over my mouth

BootYourFace February 24th, 2009 16:40


Originally Posted by capca (Post 926290)
no one wants to be the "badie"

Yes. And this is something I'm having trouble understand. I always thought of airsoft as recreating battles and what not. That's why we have Milsim. I just thought there would be more willing to play as "bad guys". Especially as an insurgent since it costs next to nothing. I'm also thinking very stereo-typically. You know. the whole "gown and afghan cap" Or the "Addia's track jacket and shemagh"

The German stuff is a whole other story, since that can cost A LOT more than a more "basic" kit that's being done.

I really like the pictures that are taking during play. And they look even more better when there's an actual enemy.

Thanks for your guys input. I hope the bad guys catch on a little more and we can get to re-creating battles.

phantastik February 24th, 2009 16:43

i know my 2 buddies and me are fully planning on looking like bad guys

that being said, that also has to do with my fondness for the soviet army

jotaerre February 24th, 2009 16:53

Hi Capca!
Nice to see you here!!!

Originally Posted by capca (Post 926290)
First of all thanks to JR to publicite our blog, we are friends here in Spain, good guy.

Thank you! A pleasure for me...
Please, post some pics. I know you have tons of...:D

FOX_111 February 24th, 2009 16:54

Our team usually do the bad guys, because of our team uniform. Plain OD.
But last summer, we did a Taliban vs ISAF and we upped the bad look.

Here is my Taliban elite guard look. (I was tasked with guarding the Mollah's base)

And me again, with the RPG-7 and a taliban fighter.

That was a super fun milsim! I had the mother of all sunburn. It was so hot, I ditched the turban and stripped to the bare essencial.

Conscript February 24th, 2009 16:57


Originally Posted by Sha Do (Post 925841)
Actually, there are a couple of players that are dedicated "badies" around. I'm not one of them, but a guy called Freedom Fighter (aka Little Alien) ran nothing but the typical "bad guys" AKs and a schemaug, with no camo kit (usually OD pants and a tee shirt). Over the years he accumulated several AKs....nothing else. I'll see if I can get him post a couple of pics of his massive collection of "badie" stuff (he's more than semi retired out of the sport).


He's gone but I have kept in touch with him over the years, hes a good friend of mine.

He's finding interest back in Airsoft slowly... and he'll probably be at BW3 or some other big game in the summertime.

BootYourFace February 24th, 2009 17:17


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 926594)

And me again, with the RPG-7 and a taliban fighter.

RPG7 links now! Who's the taliban fighter?

FOX_111 February 24th, 2009 17:21

I don't remember the name of the guy in the pic.

The RPG-7 is custom made by our team armorer.
He posted pictures in the media section I think.
It fire m203 shells.

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