Thread: Chechen rebel
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Old October 27th, 2009, 18:22   #1
formerly Huge94
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Location: Montreal, QC
Chechen rebel

Hey there

I decided to follow the idea someone gave me and will start a Chechen rebel loadout. Now there is a lot of pics on the internet showing chechen rebels but they all seem to have different loadouts so I guess i'mlooking for something generic that could resemble a rebel from Chechnya.

For now I have the AK and Chicom chest rig which I think are both pretty necessary for a rebel loadout. Now, what else shall I wear? For BDU I was thinking a Russian BDU like VSR or Flora, but a lot of photos show them wearing much more common camo patterns (woodland etc.) and sometimes they're just plain OD. I was thinking, maybe OD pants and black shirt or something along those lines.

Some also tell me to wear a shemagh but I have yet to see actual Chechen rebels wear it.

Anyways here are a couple pics to help with the process.

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