Originally Posted by Conscript
Pakol's are actually everywhere, southern Iranian Balochi's, Pakistani's, Afghani's even frigging Bosnians as seen here (Nice DDR belt too)

Originally Posted by Conscript
It's mainly used amongst either tribal men in Afghanistan, or elsewhere by Mujahdeen, hence why there are Islamic Bosnians sporting the pakol in the picture I posted.
This is just insanely wrong. No Bosnian Muslims wear pakul.
Some of foreign fighters in last war had them, but this picture you poster is not Bosnian Muslim soldiers or even foreign mujaheed. In picture they wear russian gear, and standing next to helicopter, guy looks like Afghan or Pakistani. Bosnian Muslims didn't use russian camo, no pakul hats. And on other hand foreign fighters didn't had any helicopters.
Where did you get this from? :banghead: