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Old December 15th, 2009, 10:24   #130
GBB Whisperer
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Toronto
Has anybody had any luck disassembling a factory assembled piston head from the piston body?

I purchased an M130 cylinder not too long ago, and on the FIRST shot I ran on it, the sector gear ripped the first tooth right off the piston rack and also split the rails on the piston that held the rack in place.

Fast forward a couple of months and I finally have a replacement piston and tooth rack in hand - however, when I attempted to unscrew the piston head (I have the newer version that has a Philips head on the inside and an allen key on the Piston head side), I was met with a huge amount of resistance.

I am almost at the point of a stripped Philips head because of this - anybody had luck in disassembling this?

I feel bummed that this practically brand new piston head will have to be trashed because I can't take it apart.
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