Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z
play style? your hieght?
the m14 is quite the big gun
so is the m16 and the g36E
though rails and attachments are available for all
to be honest it comes down to personal taste and preference. I'm going with an AK
Height? Im about 6'0 or 6'1, about 185 - 190 lbs, im not a small kid by any means. As for playstyle, I like to switch it up and it depends on the environment I'm in. Although, I usually like the play agressive, getting to the flank. I don't mind going solo or with just a few teammates to take the entire enemy team from behind. In other words, I like being stealthy, well concealed but yet quick, swift, smooth, tactical and always on the attack.
I also greatly enjoy messing with the minds of opponents, making them completely paranoid as to where I am.