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Old November 23rd, 2010, 00:04   #12
Join Date: Nov 2010
Recoil buffer

Yes I made one for it out of soft vinyl. The 150% recoil rod & spring set I got did keep unscrewing a little cause the recoil rod to stick out of the slide. This may have caused it to break. Always my luck:roll: I checked out that Tokyo-model website & they do not have a part. The part I am looking for if I have to buy the whole unit is a Tokyo Marui G17 or G18c Hop Up Chamber. I seen some one on this forum that could buy Tokyo Marui direct but can not remember his name. You can see behind the recoil buffer the peace that is broke. The gun will still fire this way but cant be good for it so I wont shoot it till this is replaced. It is wearing the black of the aluminum barrel cover & the slide is stiff. Also the take down switches become very difficult to use so bad in fact all my nails are wornen down to the nub's.
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