If your looking for a good entry level AEG, to build up from under 200USD and you want it full metal ill suggest the Deep Fire Silver series,
All guns on the market are TM compatible these days, all use the standard Ver.2 Gearbox so i wouldnt suggest TM, plus for the price of a TM gun you can get a way better Rifle, the basic Model for a TM M4A1 is about 350 USD or so, however its not full metal and comes with a Piece of Crap gearbox, the King Arms makes a Full Metal M4A1 for Cheaper and comes with a 7mm Bearing Gearbox and it goes for? 215 USD

so pretty much no point buying a TM as they are ridiculously expensive now and there are better and cheaper alternatives oh and lets see there are so many guns, that come with Rail Systems such as the Larue 7,9,12 inch by King arms are what oh the same price 350 as the TM base model m4, but its FULL METAL!!!!!! yayyyyy
End of story, TM sucks G&P and King Arms makes the best Stock AEGs on the Market now adays
Ok so lets go on to JG guns, JG guns have no markings and the ones with markings have poor quality markings, Full metal yes for around 160 bucks for the standard M4A1 with crappy JG markings, then you gota deal with the crappy internals, wont be as durable as King Arms or G&P, or CA for that matter and i hate CA guns dont ask me why would be A 10 page essay on why i hate CA but anywayyy JG might be a marui "Clone" but poorly made, internals come with car grease inside that is green and gooey and disgusting, I have opened so many ACM ver.2 Gearboxes its not funny, some are better than others but some are just disgusting and yeah pretty much they suck dont run well, compared to your other Better AEGs, K im just gona stop QQING about china guns now and go on to what i suggest this guy
Deep fire makes high end AEGs
Deep Fire offers their new Silver Series as an entry into the economical end of the market. By offering this tier of weapon, the internal parts manufacturer that is Deep Fire offers you a quality entry level M4 for a very reasonable price. The internals are almost the same as their more expensive rifles.
All Deepfire internals with copper inner barrel (363mm), steel gears, full teeth piston (DF-CPP01), Aluminium POM Cylinder Head V.I and metal spring guide. Delivering 330 fps out of the box it is upgradable with standard springs, the metal piston head is capable of withstanding a high power spring if you decide to upgrade.
AND when looking to buy a gun you dont look for looks first you always look for INTERNALS you dont want to buy a piece of crap that looks good and breaks down right away =.=
This gun is what i think you should get, JG is a ACM company, and stock ACM guns maybe decent but they sure as hell are not durable, you need to reshim the gears and the factory grease inside those guns are disgusting.
Hope this Helps
No offense to you JG lovers out there, but seriously? JG? Their guns are really bad even though they have improved and even so they are still bad for the price they go for, always better economical guns out there, unless you're in Canada than thats a different story but if you have a wide open choice of options i dont think getting a JG is the best you can go for