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Old December 11th, 2010, 18:55   #2
mcguyver's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Northern Alberta
I think it is fair to say that I have worked on more PTWs than anyone in Canada, bar none. I have modified, repaired and upgraded pretty much everything that it is possible to do to them. I have never seen a CTW, but if I had one on my bench, I could tell you right away what is going to be different/better/worse between the two.

The real issue is compatibility. The PTW had virtually no aftermarket parts for it 3 years ago. Now, you can replace all externals, and many internals as well. Parts meant for the PTW need to be comaptible with the CTW, otherwise, it is a waste of time and money as mechanical components (and electrical ones too) can and will fail for a variety of reasons.

Now, there are quite a few guys out there with both guns (not in Canada though), and the geberal consensus has been that the CTW is a step up from a G&G or ICS or Marui, but it is still not on par with the PTW.
Age verifier Northern Alberta

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