1) Manufacturer, Model Name
G&G M4 light MAX plastic
2) Date Obtained
December 2010
3) Initial Cost
4) New or Used
Brand new
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related)
No problem
6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related)
Laser etched logo got scratched off when I rubbed it with my sweaty hands haha!
Wobbly mag, wobbly fore grip, wobbly retractable stock
Bolt catch is driving me nuts! It will not lock in place!
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed)
Fired about 2 mags worth so ~900 BBs, still didn't fail
8) Changes to Internals and external
Nothing internal. I put on a red dot sight on the rails
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
Did not sell at the moment
10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
G&G guns are VERY reliable and good looking externally, I don't know much about internals so no comment
Last edited by mr carl; December 29th, 2010 at 20:12..