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Old January 21st, 2011, 21:55   #23
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Location: Mississauga/Ottawa
Originally Posted by wingmantank View Post
the vest is using 87 camo, so its a old type, can't really tell its a 01 or 02 as the cape covered some parts of the vest. visually speaking, I think usp .45 is more close to the type 92 pistol than CZ-75. the kwa is making a tt-33 right now, if you wanna cosplay the pre 2000 load out, go with the tt-33 then.
*Sigh* this is really frustrating, trying to get a post 2000 load out, but still trying to stay authentic. Least the PLA still uses the SVD, otherwise I'd be a soldier without a gun.

So in the end, CZ-75, USP .45, or TT-33 are my only choices lol

TT-33 might be more reasonable considering some non-frontlines still carry them

Edit: by any chance you know the difference between 02 and 01?

Last edited by Cifyra; January 21st, 2011 at 22:36..
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