Originally Posted by Najohn
Seeing that RS is concentrating on its AR series, I doubt any new Type 97 models will be released till the fall earliest imo.
Personally, I'd just buy a Type 97 or atleast something and go with it for now. Renting guns builds up and you can probably get a cheap gun for the amount you put into rentals. Sure it might not be exactly what you want, or what many consider good or meets the norm, however I say don't listen to others, unless someone else is buying you a gun, then in that case what ever they say should matter about the gun.
By the time you get some game expierence under your belt, the gun will be released and I'm sure you'll have tons to dump your funds on.
Don't be a cosplayer, or a chairsofter, be an airsofter 
Interesting philosophy, btw how much does renting on average cost per game/per hour?