First off let me mention I’m old and slow, I got all my running out of my system when I was serving with the CF, the only time I run now is if somebody is having a cardiac arrest, I’m a paramedic. Apart from that I’m pretty relax in my life style and visiting the gym usually means I need to use their bathroom, When it comes to Airsoft it think it’s important to be in enough shape to keep up with your teammates. If your slowing them down your robbing them of a fluid and exciting game. I’m not the fasted person on the field but I’m still able to keep up with my teammate, especially if there in the same age range, yes Red this means you I believe that you need to me in some type of shape before you hit the field for a MilSim, playing COD 24/7 for a month will help you learn the lingo but you will not be ready to handle a live environment. Granted this isn’t the real army and you can’t be beaten into shape before a MilSim but it you have a little discipline and understand what is expected of you, you should be able to enjoy yourself. Also PLEASE take 10 minutes to think of what you’re going to carry with you onto the field, I’ve gone thru 3 OP Pine Plains in Fort Drum and I’ve seen people run out into the field carrying everything from spare AEG’s, Jerry cans of water and the occasional barking dog. TRAVEL LITTLE if the organizers of the MilSim have thought things thru they should have set up a CP area when you can leave all the extra kit while you play and comeback to every once and awhile. Beyond that travel as light as possible, ammo (4-5 mags is enough with a bag of BB’s and a small speed loader is enough), water and some snacks. On the next OP Pine Plains in Oct my goal is to travel naked with a messenager bag full of goodies and that’s it.
Guess my point is that you don’t need to be a athlete to enjoy airsoft MilSim but your should be expected to perform at a level where you are not a burden
Just me 2 cents