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Old February 3rd, 2012, 10:56   #36
GBB Whisperer
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Originally Posted by Ronald Chang View Post
I had an old case in which seller agreed to sell the item and gave me his payment details. I almost paid but needed a little more details and got no answer. Later I found out the seller scam a few other members. So I left a negative trading rate. The seller then left me a negative one as retaliation.

I spoke to ASC staff and they said they could not erase my negative trading rate. Sounds very unfair and contradictory to what is being discussed here.

What is more interesting is that ASC staff asked me if I could withdraw my negative rating from that seller as he was regretted for what he did. I refused as I believe I did nothing wrong.
That was with the old forum software, where we actually COULD NOT easily remove the trader feedback. The only person who could do it were the top admins who had the access and knowledge to root around in the back end... and they're not around much these days.

Thus, it was easier to tell the users to change their ratings themselves, which was always possible.

With the new system, if you have a problem like yours, tell us now and we can fix it. Unlike the old system, users CAN NOT change a feedback they'd submitted once they clicked "SEND", but now the forum staff have this power.

Yay. Technology. It's so not fair. Wah waaaah.

Last edited by ILLusion; February 3rd, 2012 at 11:06..
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