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Old July 12th, 2012, 19:36   #191
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Originally Posted by dizzale21 View Post
Thanks for your replies, gentlemen. I feel a little better about popping a heavier spring in my black cylinder now.

The previous owner gave me a couple of "dead" motors that he had lying around - apparently they need to be rewound. Is there anywhere online that can fix these up and get them functional again? I'm pretty happy with the FCC 2.0 motor I have in there right now, but I've heard horror stories about motors dying and I've love to had a backup or two just in case.

I must say I'm thrilled with the performance of my PTW. Granted it was pretty heavily upgraded by the previous owner so it's far from stock, but I'm still impressed with the accuracy/range I'm getting out of it. By far the best performing airsoft replica I've ever used. Glad to be part of the club.
you need to contact Chris Evans at Double tap tactical he's done work on my new PTW M16 it's nice but not as nice as a FCC in the end I caved and end up getting a custom FCC rifle from Chris

In terms of FCC some people swears by it some hate it, I'm a slow convert what made me finally jump in with both feet is the superior performance of their G2.5 motor and theri box when compared to the 2012 PTW (My M16A3) it's like comparing a PTW vs a JG the difference is night and day and on my end deffinitely worth the extra $$

Last edited by wildcard; July 12th, 2012 at 19:42..
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