Originally Posted by Madrigal
OD is too green to be used closer to winter. Ranger Green seems to be fine for that with its lighter, more grey colour. And if they can spot my rig, they can sure as hell spot my rifle, which essentially means rig colour is redundant, as long as it is not blatantly different from the surroundings. I personally ID targets based on goggles, helmets and guns. I find them the easiest to spot. With rigs, I usually find the solid colour ones HARDER to spot once shade gets on them. With multiple colours, it is more likely that you will have a light patch in the shade, that should be dark.
Originally Posted by Madrigal
I personally find OD TOO green for my liking :/ And I buy everything from one BRAND simply to insure colour and quality matching. ShooterCBGear.com simply has the entire Flyye kit that I want. Plus, shopping all in one place lets you look at your cart, and better visualize the full kit.
Originally Posted by Madrigal
Heh, you wouldn't want to split the cost with me. When I buy kit, I buy the entire kit at once. Right now, I am just torn between the two vests. RRV or WSH. I know I don't want a plate carrier, but I need something more versatile than a chest rig. That is why I like the WSH and RRV. They seem to be a hybrid.
I really just need to figure out what colour to get. Ranger Green seems to work best for Canadian fields AND indoors. But CB also does :/
You've kind of answered your own question over and over (I think in the other thread you did too).
You're right...no one colour works all year around at every field. In general, match your rig colour to the predominate "at-a-glance" colour of your BDUs. For some it'll be green (like woodland/cadpat/etc...) for others it'll be brown (like 3 colour desert, etc..) and for some it'll be either depending on the make/brand of the cloth (i.e. multicam...which in general CB/Khaki usually works best with it).
In general though, with airsoft ranges, guys are more easily spotted because of their movement/proximity or not seen because of lighting/natural concealment.
So...BDU/rig choices are usually based off of what real life guys use and what team/side you want to play on.