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Old April 27th, 2013, 21:21   #5
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Location: Kitchener, Ontario
Originally Posted by Don.McClain View Post
Okay, If you saw me on the street, you could easily tell that I am NOT Chinese, i look more German then anything else, but I was curious if any white boys that were in china wore the chinese uniform, because i'll be honest, some of their kit is pretty cool and i was considering getting some of it for operations
One word answer is YES.

You will most likely are be stretching history a wee bit for your load out and background story but you do have options such as...

1) Anti-Bolshevik Russian that has fled to China and became either a volunteer with the KMT, a mercenary for a local warlord or a part of a collaborating force friendly with the Japanese occupying force in Manchuria etc.

2) Soviet NKVD operative on a border raid or former NKVD operative (fleeing due to a purge and switching teams)...either way you get to wear a Chinese KMT uniform.

The above went on until the late 30's mostly but when the Soviets occupied places such as Manchuria in 1945 they arrested over 10,000 Russians living in Manchuria as "enemy collaborators” and sent them off to Siberia. Before 1945, there were at least 250,000 Russians living in China.

So long story short, you can be a white boy and wear a Chinese civil war era army uniform.

Last edited by shiftsup; April 27th, 2013 at 21:40..
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