Originally Posted by Hectic
The problem i have with pre loading is this.
If you went hunting would you pre load your mags (if aplicable) or even worse pre load you guns? No. Why? Two reasons. One is im prety sure it is illegal to transport a loaded gun. I think it is okay to transport loaded mags so long as the gun and mags are locked up seperately. Heck i think its even illegal to store ammo and guns in the same safe unless they are locked seperately.
For airsoft say you get pulled over. Its one thing to be loaded up with guns mags and bbs. But to have pre loaded mags could show intent to use said guns befor even reaching the field. A replica they are not but they are considered a type of firearm (uncontroled firearm) and should/could be subject to the same laws and regulations surrounding other guns. To save potential hassels show up 45min or an hour early and load at the field if your able to. Otherwise mind your p's and q's while driving to the field to avoid bein pulled over and potentially searched. Just my penny and a half.
There are RS guys who have left AR15 mags loaded for years at a time with no feeding issues.
I wouldn't leave airsoft mags loaded for years but a few weeks should be fine.