Today I want to talk about the air-soft UZI's on the market, and the potential ones which might be released in the future.
Let me start off by saying that the UZI sub-machine gun is an iconic weapon; dating back to the early years of Israel's creation, and prominent in modern gun-culture ever since. It's quite baffling then (at least to me) that no one has made a decent airsoft UZI as of yet.
I'm sure most of you know about the WELL Uzi, made of plastic. (a big turn-off if your going for realism) I think KWA or one of the other companies has come up with a full metal version, though it is a miniature UZI, which I personally don't fancy too much.
So I guess the question is... when will an air-soft company come up with a decent full-size UZI model?

I already have plans for how I would modify it if one ever does come out... paint it olive green, age it a little, add a red-dot sight and along with a suppressor in matching color and a dark green strap. That's just me though... I think green is a good color for an UZI
What do you guys think? I'm sure there are many people that know more than me on this subject. Maybe there is a full metal UZI that I have never heard about.. (though I doubt it) So please share what you know, and spam King Arm's inbox with requests for the UZI until they finally cave :wink:
lol all joking aside, I'm hoping to start a decent discussion on this topic because it has been on my mind for quite some time. so with that I will turn the discussion over to y'all