Originally Posted by 666
I hope you ordered parts made for stamped not milled receiver. Stamped receiver stuff is the closest to airsoft you can get. I got couple of real steel ak grips in a while ago. Took Alex some time to mod them, but it sits rock solid on his gun now. I think the best idea is to mod metal body to accept rear notch. If you mod the grip it might break because that notch has to be dremeled big time in order to fit. I moded rear notch on mine plastic grip and it doesn't fit as strong as Alex's stuff. Not sure how Alex got front part to fit, I just used small files, took me about 40 minutes to get a good fit.
Dont you mean parts for a milled receiver are easier to convert. Not stamped.
I think when I build my RPK Ill do a little review and show people how to mod real steel stock sets to fit airsoft.