Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle
anything tied to you needs to have a quick disconnect. can't see how that would be possible feeding a 2 point through a Molle loop.
The proper solution to an uncomfortable sling is to throw away your laptop case shoulder strap that you have been making due with and buy a real sling.
also.. if the sling is biting into your neck try wearing more than a T shirt, a BDU with a collar will eliminate a lot of these issues.
in short, buy proper gear.. and it will work properly.
QD makes sense. Is a Vickers not a 'real' sling by your standards? I've heard nothing but praise here for anything BFG...
As for a BDU, I have a proper one (original Bundeswehr surplus), but I've been sticking to polo shirts because of the guys I play with.
Originally Posted by -Skeletor-
2 point slings work in CQB
I'd not even considered this, but I'll have to give it a try. I hate my MS2.
Do you just take the sling off (your body) for shooting left?