Thread: Merceneries
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Old January 19th, 2015, 21:42   #82
Unsung Hero
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Location: Kamloops BC
From what I've heard the majority of guys doing contract work wear gear comparable to the american military if able to do so. Apparently certain companies have policies that can make that impossible, but the british companies encourage their employees to emulate american military uniforms (not directly, but using civilian companies that have similar camo patterns, etc.) this has two benefits. 1: everyone looks like their on the same side, so less chance of american soldiers lighting you up, and 2: You create a much lower profile in regards to any potential media attention/local attention. It takes more than an initial glance from a reporter to make the connection. By all accounts though contracting companies are working more and more at shifting their "image" from guys gnucci'd up in tac gear while wearing polo shirts and jeans to essentially pure emulation of standing military forces (PSD in non-warzones aside).

Just what I've gleaned/ my two cents.
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Last edited by Unsung Hero; April 9th, 2015 at 22:29..
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