Originally Posted by lurkingknight
you know who ironically paid the price of his clutching to his beliefs that eggheads were worrying too much?
dale earndheart.
The man called the hans device a noose.
he spent the last years of his career protesting it's introduction into nascar.
he died of an injury the hans device was designed to prevent. He also believed that his injury wasn't going to happen.
Are you seriously going to wait until after someone gets their eyepro shot through and loses an eye before you think about it?
You know what else sounds ridiculous from your point of view? It wasn't that long ago when there were a number of people out there who believed they didn't need a seatbelt, and that in case of an accident they could hold on to the steering wheel and prevent themselves from flying forward and ejecting themselves from the vehicle, along with prevent collision related injuries.
Did eggheads overthink seatbelts too?
If a material has a base tolerance to perforation it means at the minimum it can take that hit, it could also mean it's been overbuilt to take a harder hit, but the key word there is MINIMUM.
Would you rather stand on a bridge that could hold your weight plus 1 pound, or your weight plus 5000 pounds? Did you remember to take a shit that morning?
It's pretty easy to theorize about the "what-ifs" for scenarios that are unlikely and unrealistic. It is even easier to theorize when you ignore the realities of gameplay and simple material physics.
Want to make the game safer? Worry about bushplay and tripping over deadfall in a paintball mask, not the numbers behind an unlikely shot.
Mountains, molehills and all that.