Originally Posted by mcguyver
I am far more worried about substandard China-clone junk being passed off as legitimate with proper ratings.
So then you're totally on board with raising the minimum eyepro standard to MIL-PRF31013, since clones of that are much easier to spot, and we've got nothing to argue about lol
The impact energy definitely changes a lot, and the deformation of the BB upon impact does make a big difference on penetration. Some BBs are harder than others, some are heavier than others and will strike with more energy. I've been hit in the glasses plenty of times, and as most people would experience; the BB just bounces off, no big deal. That shot from the hot KJ nearly blew them right off my face from a front impact, like I actually had to re-adjust my glasses because they had shifted forward and on an angle.
Basically if a gun fires 2j, you need the lens to withstand exactly 2 j. In a shooting sport where the object is to shoot others, you are expecting at some point to get shot in the lens. Worst case scenario being you walk around a corner where there's a dude with a bolt action rifle lining up a shot and BAM right in the glasses. Or more likely: any scenario in CQB where the aftermath is "sorry man, I could only see your head" also has a high risk of close range impacts to the glasses.
Then take into consideration that some people cheat and adjust your limits *within reason*. 600fps is a pretty darn high mark to hit, 450-500 is more likely. 3j is 570fps, and on top of that taking into account the BBs deforming on impact and energy loss over distance, and the fact Z87.1+ (2003) glasses can probably withstand up to 4-5j, 3j is just fine for a minimum test limit.
And we don't have to worry about silica BBs anymore, so that's good too lol