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Old September 26th, 2005, 16:30   #8
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Toronto
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I have a Callahan - it's excellent, but you'll need to add utility/pistol mag pouches to it for it to really function as a good all-round rig (these things add up fast). Also, I'd highly reccommend plastic SAPI plates to make it ride correctly. I have the pitol insert, which is amazing for my little glock 19, but I wouldn't want to put a pistol with many snags or much bigger in it. this thing is perfect for me, but I'm 6'2", 220lbs, the plates (at 1.25" or so) make it fit a bit smaller though if you're a skinny dude. Last plug - Dave Thomas at So-Tech is a really nice dude, if you have a question, call him up and ask him what he thinks.
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