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Old June 22nd, 2015, 09:49   #1
Join Date: Dec 2001
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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Question Maybe wrong place but (re:Verifyers)

So Ive been trying to get in touch with a verifier for Manitoba (specifically Winnipeg region)

Ive PMed all the verifiers and not one has gotten back to me after 2 weeks.

Some of the aren't even on ASC anymore as of 3 years ago (As I know them personaly)

Are there ANY valid verifiers anymore for MB? Or has the list been updated for a while now?

Ive been into airsoft for 15+years and my account used to have access to the EE, but since they put this system in place (and my absence from airsoft) I cant get access to any of the exchange forums.

Any help as to who to talk to, as well as the MODs getting on updating said lists, would be appreciated.

Lukasz Wereszko
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