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Old July 23rd, 2015, 21:29   #1
dogtoy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Windsor Ontario Canada
Do bb's go "stale"

Hey , I'm not really new , kind of dabbled in airsoft in the 90's , never got much chance to play ,..ended up just making a hobby of buying cheap broken guns & fixing them up ,or making wall hangers ,..anyway I was considering maybe getting back into it , the process of cleaning up & taking stock of my old gear I found several bags of KSC & KWA brand bb's ,..they have got to be going back to early or mid 90's by now , my question is , Do they become brittle or decompose with age ? would they be safe to use or should I just toss them ,..just wondering before I try using them in a collection of vintage mauri aegs ...
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