Thread: Sniping fools
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Old January 2nd, 2016, 22:54   #9
How much sand CAN you fit in your vagina!?
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: North Delta, BC (Greater Vancouver)
Well Arby, don't take the direct nature of their posts too harshly, as they are actually steering you in the right direction. This question has been asked countless times on these forums and once such a question reaches infamy, it tends to get direct/no-bullshit answers, often taken as harsh or abrasive.

Here's a question; do you want to be an airsoft sharpshooter, or do you want an airsoft sniper rifle? Sadly my friend, they usually aren't the same, nor include on another. There's nothing wrong with tuning up your gun as best as possible, making it as quiet as possible and trying to play disruptive against opponents forces. To do that with an airsoft sniper rifle can be difficult, expensive and ineffective.

After nearly a decade of airsofting I decided to get a sniper rifle. I bought a top end rifle, threw every high end part, mod and upgrade I could at it, I researched the hell out of it, even had friends very well known and well versed in such rifles help and provide input. After running it a few times I went back to an assault platform. Tons of time and money down the toilet I'm afraid.

To any airsofters who really want to do this anyways, get yourself a reliable assault platform, so you can play anywhere against anyone, then do the sniper rifle as a side project. Airsoft is great to dive into with two feet, but not if your first stop is a sniper platform.

Also, no one on these forums is going to reassure you differently, or not many at any rate.
I have developed a new sport called Airhard. Pretty much the same as Airsoft, except you have to maintain an erection...
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