1) Make and Model
-- MP5 A4 HG, Tokyo Marui
2) Date Purchased
-- 2005
3) Cost
-- $475
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- Had to tighten up motor - it wasn't catching (approx 1.5 years in)
UPDATE: 3.5 years in and 40 000 (huge estimation) BBs later. I have experienced a failure with this gun. Trigger related. Further update to follow.
6) Esthetic Problems
--Broke the cocking tube with HK bitchslap
--magwell separates slightly (related to but not the sole cause of the mag wobble)
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
--probably 16000 rounds before the motor had to be tightened
8) Changes to Internals: none
-- Added low mount
9) Resale Date and Value
-- N/A
--have been using 3300 8.4v the whole time
--Mag wobble - yeah there is some
--the highcaps suck - use mids
Originally Posted by femina
Okay, I recently went to art show. One of exhibit had huge panoramic canvas pictures of landscape photos taken with a digital camera. These pictures were nice and huge. The canvas was attached to a wooden stretcher frame for direct hanging on a wall without need for a frame. Do you know any more on this subject? Where can I go for additional information on this subject?
Last edited by Cheesevillage; September 18th, 2008 at 21:37..