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Old April 11th, 2007, 03:32   #89
Naerah's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Quebec City
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1) Make and Model
-- Crosman Stinger R30 (Old version without metal reinforcement)
2) Date Purchased
-- July 2004
3) Cost
-- $50
4) New/Used?
-- New
5) Mechanical Problems
-- the trigger mechanism was defective right out of the box, had to mod it in order to get the thing to shoot
-- the plastic of the whole gun was so cheap, putting the screws back chipped and cracked the plastic.
-- didnt knew anything about airsoft at that time so i took the spring that was in the front and twisted it inside the other one(the spring that pushes the piston). the increased pression made the dual spring and spring guide pass throug the rear of the gun(while it was laying alone on a table, eard a bang then look on the table to see the spring and spring guide 2 feet behind the gun itself with bits of broken plastic everywhere)
6) Esthetic Problems
-- again due to the cheap plastic it was creaking like someone walking on dry leaves
-- its a clearsoft (being clear was a problem by itself)
7) Rounds Fired Between Failures
-- maybe 100 before it exploded
8i) Changes to Internals
-- doubled the spring (like 4 days after getting the gun)
-- removed the weight in the foregrip
8ii) Changes to Externals
-- none
9) Resale Date and Value
-- July 2004 sold it to the nearest trashcan for the cost of the calories it took for throwing it in, let's say 25 calories
10)end word
-- is there really a good point about that gun, exept the fact that it didnt exploded WHILE i was using it? DON'T EVER BUY CROSSMAN ,here's the link to that shit

edit added a link i just found here to the exact gun i had
Finished and installed my SL8 style stock.

Last edited by Naerah; April 16th, 2007 at 04:01..
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