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Old April 11th, 2007, 13:52   #44
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Guelph, ON/Halifax, NS
Originally Posted by Field_Gunner View Post
I'm from guelph, I know 3 police officers here, they said that most of this started when the walmart opened, befor that it was pellet guns from canadian tire. and the fact that no one has been shot is amazing since most of our police force are cowbows.
OK, not to change the topic at hand, but I've lived in Guelph for 20 years, and I know, and have known, many of the Guelph police over the years (though not too many of the new ones). It's more than a small exaggeration to say that Guelph police are "cowboys"... though I have heard some negative depictions of the Guelph police, I can't remember having ever heard of the police using excessive force, especially not with anything more lethal than a taser...
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