Originally Posted by kalnaren
Eek... another M4. Way to be originial.
Meh... You still suck.
Originally Posted by Cassius
And a Magpul PTS MIAD grip and am now seriously considering those rail covers you got :P
Get the rail covers, You won't be dissapointed.
Originally Posted by Jughead
Still need to know how long a regular stock is... So I can make up my mind if a want a 416 stock.
10.5 Inches [~26.7 cm for you metric-type loony toons] This measurment we taken directly from the rear edge of the lower reciever, to the end of the buttplate.
Originally Posted by kos
Yeah, what's up with that ?  I have one, and the god damn thing doesn't even have brightness settings. Load of shit if you ask me.
The gun is really sexy. Definately sexy. I looks like it could use some wear  a violated AR, is a happy AR.
I love my Crosman RDS. Nobody else is either smart enough or stupid enough [I can't figure which] to put one on. Besides, it was cheap and available at the time.
Thank you, but it gets some wear. I dropped it muzzle down into a mud puddle last weekend. Nailed a couple of trees with it and such. Things like that.
TM SR-16 *Stock*, And A Shitload Of Mags
Apparently, a hand grenade does not belong in my toolbox. Nor does a hand grenade with the pin pulled belong in someone else's toolbox.
When In Doubt, Empty A Magazine.