1) Manufacturer, Model Name (name of weapon on box, and weapon replicated if different from model name)
- Western Arms Beretta Perfect Version
2) Date Obtained
- 2005
3) Initial Cost
- $350
4) New or Used
- New
5) Mechanical Problems (Gearbox issues, hopup issues.. basically functional performance related -- supply date of issue)
- Slowly developed a "full-auto" problem due to a worn-down sear
- While on "safe", trigger is able to still activate the hammer, although not enough to actually fire the weapon. Even so, a physical barrier blocking the firing pin would prevent his occurence
6) Esthetic Problems (Paint damage, cracks in body, loose parts.. physical construction related -- supply date of issue)
- None
7) Rounds fired between failures (think how many bags of BB's used before it failed. If no failure, list rounds fired up to this point)
- 1000 rounds
8) Changes to Internals and Externals (upgrades, mods, dates)
- None
9) Resale Date and Value if applicable.
- Sold it shortly after developing full auto problem
10)Notes and Comments (Optional)
- Great looking-and-feeling gun, but overall not very accurate nor reliable.
- WA's valving system allows the gun to be fired upside down for those "John Woo" moments, although would be useless if hop-up was enabled.
- I've owned 6 WA Beretta PV's, all of them eventually developing the same problem
- Impresses the chicks, especially if you have 4 of them.