Originally Posted by Tombstone
Thank you Glock 18,
That other stuff doesn't mater, the AmeriKans would kick the ever-loving shit out of Iran.
Like cowards Iran would not have the balls to fight a conventional war and would be the first to resort to Nuclear weapons, because the voices in their head told them to do so.
My question,.....what the HELL is the point of this thread? It ain't about IRANIAN loadouts or airsoft.....why so many pictures of this extremist propaganda SHIT!? 
Dude, don't be ignorant.
Iran is more sophisticated than you'd think.
What about those US army ads and CNN?
These are merely pictures of a parade of the Iranian army, just like any OTHER army
Originally Posted by Glock 18
5.56mm or 7.62 it doesn't matter in the cbq of the small towns and city streets which the soilders fight in, either one will drop your ass dead.
You see it is arguable, one can kill the other with a 7.62x51 behind a reasonably thick brick wall but not with a 5.56x45, well according to common sense.