Thread: CQBR
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Old October 6th, 2007, 12:51   #23
Join Date: Oct 2007
I've been searching the Internet for more information about the Mk18 Mod0 carbines or CQBRs and stumbled upon this thread. While I still have to complete my own CQBR/Mk18 Mod0 project, I noticed that there seems to be an on going debate about how to complete an accurate CQB-R or Mk18 Mod0 Carbine.

I see some contradictory statements made by some and wish to point them out to get some clarification or confirmation about how I understand this whole thing to be.

Godlyspartan posted an image showing the CQBR (Close Quarter Battle Receiver) with an image of a MK18 Mod0 below it. It seems that it shows that both use the same barrel length which appears to be a 10.5" one.

Then there is also another image of a Mk18 Mod0 at the bottom of the same post which shows that it uses a 10.3" barrel which has the flash hider flush with the bayonet lug.

Does this mean that there are Mk18 Mod0s using either the 10.3" or 10.5" barrel?

From my understanding, the CQBR was offered as an upper only and once issued assemled from CRANE, it would be badged as a MK18 Mod0.

Anyway, that is something to think about since I too have been torn between getting a 10.5 inch barrel or a 10.3 inch barrel. Also, CQBRs and MK18 Mod0s use RIS instead of RAS which is not easily available for airsoft products. I've seen some images of G&P Mk18 Mod0 (special order only) kits which show a photo or two of MK18 Mod0s with RIS rather than RAS... you will notice the locking screw is at T1 of the RIS which is up at the front sight. The RAS uses even numbers and count forward from the upper receiver... and the fixing screw found at the receiver end of the RAS.

I'm slowly thinking of not really giving in to coming up with a clone instead of a short M4 by using either a 10.5 or 10.3 inch barrel, still complete with LMT rear sights, crane stock, wilcox aimpoint mount, but using an M4 lower and RAS.

I was going through some real-steel forums and they were discussing about how to come up with a Mk18 Mod0 clone... what some of the more experienced guys said was to simply get the LMT 10.5" upper and use a KAC RAS on it as in real life the RAS works better and is a tighter fit. The only reason the Navy uses the RIS is that it fits onto the varied barrel profiles which they've been working on from Colt and LMT.

Anyway, I hope someone can clarify the differences stated above... It's been bugging me so much as well.

Oh, by the way, I found this thread in warjunkies... it's about the thread I saw as well where one of the moderators is apparently a SEAL...

MK18 Mod0 thread

Last edited by ppcsurfr; October 6th, 2007 at 12:55.. Reason: found the link with info...
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