I would have to say +1 on all... And I beleive, not only people from BC but each provinces' would have a great benefit from this big move. I highly recommend it.....now make it happen.
Originally Posted by Oberst39
I was speaking with the management of Gorilla Surplus in Vancouver regarding the importation and selling of Airsoft Accessories here in Vancouver. What I would like to determine is:
1. If Gorilla Surplus were to import airsoft hardware/accessories for sale at their location, would there be enough interest from the Airsoft community here in the lower mainland?
2. If they were to legitimately import airsoft guns, would there be enough interest in the airsoft community in the lower mainland?
3. Would the airsoft community in the lower mainland like to see a ligitimate and reputable company branch into airsoft in the lower mainland?
Thanks for your input.